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remnant is hard on the soul
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Sometimes December thinks the world is out to get her, personally. Her "friends" say it's the same for everyone, but they've got parents still. She doesn't. Vale provides "care" for orphans but her foster family barely has time for her. They keep her fed, alright, but they don't listen to her when she tells them she's a girl.

So she's stuck with this stupid short haircut and this stupid part-time job and the girls she dreams of being. She's never going to get a real education, never going to get to work with Dust. All her "friends" are fake. 

She shoulders it, as best she can, and works.

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Sometimes she takes a step away and sees it a little more logically. Adolescence won't last forever. She's going to grow up, eventually, she's going to become something - different than she wants. 

She doesn't know what she wants, but she can work. And she saves, money money money, for the day when she can stop being under her foster parents' thumb. 

It's a hard existence but she gets by. 


She cuts a deal with a girl she hardly knows to get her hands on estrogen. No chance of an aura unlock, that's for Huntresses and idiots who want to get in with a gang. And she is never going to be a Huntress, coming from the gutter like she does. She'd need to have been training for years just to get into the academy. And the last thing she wants is to get more muscles on this body that's already way too heavy and large. 

She takes her pills. She hopes. Some changes happen, but not really enough. 

Someday maybe a boy will come sweep her off her feet...

Hah. As if. 


And then eventually she just... comes to the realization that it's all bullshit. All of it. The law, the work she's building towards, the goal of being a girl, all of it is reducible to the absurd acts of chemicals. It's just a bunch of monkeys pretending things matter. 

It knocks it out of her for a day or so, but then she gets on with life. It wasn't like she needed that. 


You know, Jason's kind of hot, why hasn't she kissed him yet? 

She can fix that.

It's pretty great.


Why the hell did she ever kiss Jason, that was an incredibly stupid idea, now everyone thinks she's gay -


... Something doesn't quite make sense, but...

She still remembers kissing him. 

It was alright, she guesses? She gets to say she did it. She gets to feel okay. It was something she decided on and nobody else. And that's good.

She starts to drift a little further away from her foster family.


Why hasn't she tried on a dress yet? She should absolutely try on a dress. And some nice shoes. And maybe a wig, for the bad haircut - 

It feels fantastic


She goes through the next week humming softly to herself at little moments, smiling at strangers, playing with her hair. She just feels so happy. She's discovering things about herself. 


Something's a little off, maybe, but it works. It makes sense. She's happy, that's why she twirls around sometimes. There seems to be something a little odd going on with her inner ear, recently, she feels this impulse to spin...

It's probably nothing, and she can't afford a doctor's visit anyway, and her family isn't worth talking to about stuff like this.


She starts wearing dresses every day. Her friends don't like it - well, fuck them! They can get bent. She doesn't need to be beholden to anyone or anything. Jason accepts her, she's special to Jason. 

She propositions him, and to her great surprise he actually turns her down. Okay, fine, Jason can get bent too. She doesn't need anyone


Everything seems really vivid since she dumped Jason. It's like the whole world is new and fresh to her. It's like she's never seen a bookcase or the waves on the sea or, well, anything before. It's a whole new lease on life. It feels so freeing


She kinda likes it. 

She tells her foster parents to take a hike and goes and checks into a hotel with her savings and eats at the breakfast bar for like four hours in the morning because everything tastes so good.


The lady who tells her to stop eating breakfast can ALSO get bent. She tells her so. At length. 

She can find a DIFFERENT HOTEL. 



(She does not have everything under control.)


You know, the sun doesn't usually make shifting dazzle patterns off random storefronts like that...


Probably nothing to worry about!

She wants a new dress. And some heels.

... right, the clerk wants her to pay! 

She'll smooch his hand, that should be enough. 


Ooh, it's the police! What are they here for. 

"Hey, officers, how are you all today," she starts, drunkenly lurching towards the closest one -

She's flat on her face on the floor with her hands cuffed before she can say the next word. 


They take her to hospital. Clearly she's having some kind of fit.


She wakes up in a hospital bed with no recollection of how she got there. 

... Something is horribly wrong. She can hear bells in the distance for some reason. She has never heard a bell aloud in the entire city before. 

The nurses try to explain her situation to her, but she keeps slipping away. Something is not right. 

They ask to treat her with pills. She says yes because that's what you do when doctors ask you if you want pills. She takes them, that's what you're supposed to do with pills. There's a section of little locked rooms with people yelling and screaming and that's where you go if you don't take your pills. That still gets through. 

She doesn't get better.


The world gets hazier and hazier. 

She takes her pills and spins through the ward halls and misses the sun and laughs and smiles and paints her nails and dances and sleeps. The other people here are plotting against her and she must be perfect if she is going to be okay. 


Eventually someone asks her if she wants to try a... thing.

It's supposed to be a really good thing, but kind of dangerous.


Sure, why not! She's a Huntress, isn't she? Maybe they'll let her go if she does enough things?


It'll happen eventually. 

For now, she wants to paint her nails!


Elsewhere, at approximately the same time.



"Miss Orchid, your training in Aura-based healing techniques has gone admirably well so far. A rare opportunity has appeared to explore a unique healing technique, however, one only possible with the use of a Semblance and Aura reservoir like yours. It is risky, but possibly the only viable treatment option for this patient. Are you willing?"


The fox faunus tilts her head a bit, contemplating for a moment, and nods. "This is a good that can't be done without my help? I can't turn that down."

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