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some places really need to be sued
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"Lead the way!"

She's so pleased.


Ishaza gets up, leaving her plate behind, and heads out of the tower. 


Sophia intercepts her on the way to the door. "Afternoon, Milady."


"Afternoon, Sophia. I'm just heading out to demonstrate on the practice range for our guest."


"May I assist you, milady?"


"I could use someone to set up targets, if you're not busy attending to Crin."


"I have time from my duties, so I will happily attend. The Greatswords do always enjoy it when you put on a show."


Ishaza looks over at Alethia. "Do you mind if I inform the guardhouse so anyone off-duty can join the audience? It's rare that I have a good reason to demonstrate combat magic publicly."


"I would feel ever so selfish if I were to deprive people of the rare opportunity."

Also, it will let her look around and observe the household and the guard. See if they come across to her instincts in a way congruent with what she's heard so far. And, since probably most of them won't speak her language, pick up some of the local tongue at the same time.


"Sophia, would you mind making the arrangements?"


"Not at all, milady. I'll meet you on the target range as soon as I've informed the guardhouse."


Ishaza nods sharply. "Alright then."


As they leave the tower and pass through the outer courtyard, Sophia veers off towards the guardhouse, where her voice can be faintly heard thanks to Alethia's vampiric hearing.

"Ishaza dosvoy mendicat vasvya, verduk minin ast. Vesverine savanya isvan." 

That's probably something along the lines of "Ishaza wishes to inform you that in ten minutes she'll be practicing Hysh. Down at the range."  

There's a muffled chorus of positive responses from four or five men, most of whom sound pretty enthusiastic about the prospect.


Honestly the whole thing happening now is pretty wholesome? Putting on a display, the garrison enjoying this fact.

Also, she already learns! She shall learn more! Hopefully it won't be too long before she can flatly just speak Reikspiel.


Ishaza leads the way to a clear lane of flat ground a few dozen yards from the outer wall of the castle, which backs onto a hill. 

"This is the range," she says. "Sophia will be enlisting the off-duty guards to help haul out some of the shoddier straw targets, and should be back soon."

She clasps her hands in front of her.

"Hysh practice is a good way to get rid of targets the guards have already shot too many holes in."


She giggles. "The anticipation builds! If your practice does not leave glowing afterimages in my eyes I will be ever so disappointed."


"Oh, don't worry. I think you'll enjoy this."

Ishaza looks towards the tower fort's front gate.


And Sophia emerges, five men in light plate armor behind her, each of whom lugs a canvas sack full of straw with a bullseye painted on it.

"Here you are, Milady," Sophia says. 


"Thank you, Sophia."


Sophia makes a quiet request to the guards, who amiably set up their targets in a staggered pattern, two in front, three in back. They aimiably chatter back and forth; it's clearly speculation about how many spells it'll take Ishaza to destroy them all. The good money seems to be on one per target. 


Hmm. She's going to assume the guard know what they're talking about and privately anticipate the same. But perhaps Ishaza will desire to be Impressive for the new potentially-important person, she shall see!

"Could you tell me what spells you're going to be casting beforehand? And maybe a brief description along with the name? I'm rather burning with curiosity."


"The spell I will be using is known to the Light Order as Shem's Burning Gaze. It creates a number of self-contained flares of Hysh that strike like bolts from a crossbow, only... even more lethally. There are greater spells but this is one of my most reliable and most useful to practice, as a simple, relatively easy to marshal blast of destruction that's useful against undead and living foes alike."


She knows that one! But from a video game and not, uh, actual lore. So presumably there's two levels of indirection there. This world is different from what she read, and the game was different even from that. She's curious how it actually works.

"I'm incredibly curious to watch you cast. Thank you for demonstrating for me like this."


"It's no issue. Now stand well back and stay quiet, combat casting is dangerous even in controlled conditions. As you've seen with Crin, the Winds have a will all their own."


She nods and steps back. Quite a ways. And keeps her senses very trained on what exactly Ishaza is doing.

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