"Not from nothing but from- nonliving matter happening to collide exactly the right way. The basic thing is that it turns out the smallest, least-sophisticated life can be surprisingly simple compared to things big enough to be seen with the naked eye and it only needs to happen once. And when you have billions of years and billions of billions of planets the chance it happens once starts to get appreciable. I am doing it again. Okay, actually moving on this time."
"I think the next immediate thing is- well, all of this is sufficiently absurd that I'm not actually going to go in chronological order, you're going to get some conclusions before I mention the things that caused me to eventually draw them in a detailed way, but you'll still be getting them."
She takes a deep breath.
"So, first. That illusion of a completely magicless world was incredibly thorough. Thousands of years of history and not one single credible miracle or example of a person doing anything magical. And that illusion suddenly broke for me a day before I found myself on this world. A thing that is to gods what gods are to mortals reached down into my apparently-magicless universe to- empower me. Not even in exchange for anything, simply because a person like me being empowered was something that was- in accordance with her desires. The thing-above-gods isn't- well, if she were benevolent in the same way I am she wouldn't be scanning through universes to find people she liked and dumping a bit of power on them, she would be using her might to make paradises and squish things like the Chaos Gods like flies. But I don't particularly feel inclined to judge her, on account of the way she gifted me a frankly absurd amount of power and told me to head off and have fun. And- I think she may in fact work in a way where empowering people who are- shaped in a particular way- is how she can do such large things and reach so far."