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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Wearily, but without frustration, Lyvina Mayyad will ask what Kroft wants to talk about.



In-character... are you sure that this Gamemaster exists?




...Well, at least it seems to have cheered Lyvina up, somewhat.


You have looped me entirely around and now I do admire the commitment to the bit.

It'd have been a touch more convincing, I'm afraid, if you'd found someone else to say it!


Consider it, though, and correct me if I'm wrong about something.

You thought that this world was designed to be a fun adventure for your team of heroes. 

(That you four were looking for the prepared scenario and expecting to promptly find it makes... a lot of sense out of how your party behaved last night.)

But since then the Gamemaster has done nothing but subvert your expectations.

Isn't that evidence against the Gamemaster theory altogether? 

And you expect to be able to communicate with the GM "outside the game," but... you can't.

That also seems suggestive to me!


...And now Lyvina is laughing.


...And hiccuping. 

(Kroft's brain flags that that's locally-her-fault but as there's little harm done and no lesson for her in it, dismisses it.)


Out of character, I am listening to you, the Gamemaster, speak these words.

In-character, maybe Kroft can convince Lyvina that the Gamemaster doesn't exist, but Lyvina already thinks that; what I was told when Ileosa read our minds is that in-character our characters think that the Gamemaster is something we made up.


Though... with 20 INT and 20 WIS, there's no way that Lyvina doesn't suspect Earth of being the world that's real. It hangs together a lot better than Golarion does, no offense. 

But her experience of Golarion is full-body, audio, visual, the works.

So maybe she thinks... that it's a dream, or that I'm in a coma?

But it feels very real for a dream... maybe Lyvina's priority should be getting my ass to a hospital to get looked at by a psychiatrist.

Or maybe Golarion still feels more real to Lyvina than Earth does, after sixty-eight years living there.


Wait, you're sixty-eight years old?




Then shouldn't you already know that fly was a fifth-circle spell until they developed a lesser version back in '86?

And feather fall was still third-circle when I joined the Guard?


...I'm sorry for making you do that.


Cressida Kroft will drily say that it was no trouble for her at all.


How long have you had this... character-in-a-game thing going on?



Lyvina would know the answer to that.


Lyvina has been fleshing Earth as a setting out for decades. 

It feels very real to her, if not as real as Golarion - sometimes she wonders if it was unwittingly inspired by one of her past lives.

Somewhat recently - but prior to meeting the group - she crossed some threshold, a kind of phase-shift, and now she can describe it and its history as readily as she can the world she really lives in.


Then you should have no trouble describing what the Gamemaster is like - you've been cagey with the details so far.


Lyvina can describe the Gamemaster in any level of detail and does.

(It's something her character would know.)



...To be perfectly frank, the idea that such an unimpressive specimen as this described Gamemaster decides Kroft's words and actions strikes her as implausible even on the face of it.




And there are much smarter beings in Creation than she. 

It seems like an easy test of the Gamemaster theory is to find someone on Golarion who should know something that the gamemaster doesn't, and see if they really know that thing.


I'm game for the test. 

Hey, Kroft, what's the most complicated part of activating a magic wand?


Kroft explains the most complicated part of activating a magic wand.

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