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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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...We're thinking about it.


Togomor looks down at the letter that he started.

He is somewhat - though not extremely - surprised to see a pencil sketch of his own face. In the drawing he wears a sly smile, and holds a finger to his lips.

It's a pretty good sketch, for how long he worked on it. And without a mirror for reference!

Time well spent.


Well, you can't say he didn't try.

He'll fold his portrait up and pocket it.


Lyvina thinks that maybe the GM's story is the Field Marshall sells her soul to save the country, goes evil, and that's why the party has to fight her later.

She's not going to say her prediction out loud.

She's certainly not going to complain that it's contrived. 

That it doesn't make any sense for diamonds to be the bottleneck resource in making all your wildest dreams come true, in a world with blood money and fabricate.

It's not even that contrived, as stories go.

And the GM did a good job making the Field Marshall seem formidable, she's sure it'll be frightening to face her as an enemy.

The GM put a lot of work into this campaign and they deserve for Lyvina to be impressed with and delighted by it.


She's certainly not going to say that if contract devils don't need diamonds for wishes,

they could just have Togomor sucker one with planar binding,

charm it,

geas it,

put it under a Helm of Opposite Alignment for Good measure

(a terrible thing to do to a person, but +utility on net),

press the Helpful geased Chaotic Good devil for three wishes,

demand both copies of the soul contract,

destroy them,

rinse and repeat.


She's just not going to say it.


Toff Ornelos has experience binding greater devils, and is as yet free to make Axis. 

I'd like to consult him on what precautions one should take.


"We have eighth-level spells and can purchase ninths, we can bind devils and they don't need gems, we can use physics and common sense where there aren't any rules, but it makes complete and total sense for diamonds of all things to be the limiting input for warping reality to our whims."



She said it.


...Mayyad, a word with me in private?


Sorry. Um.

Iff you insist.


Something about the - inherent injustice of material components(?) was the final straw, but Lyvina Mayyad was frustrated going into the meeting.

Somewhat sullen, somewhat checked out. 

There are innumerable possible reasons for that on this the 14th of Neth, and each of them is more valid than the last. 

...But Kroft's money is on something Ileosa said or did as a major contributing factor. 


Ileosa has a way of upsetting people, and Lyvina seemed cheerful enough before spending a lot of time with her. 

And Mayyad didn't seek out Kroft to talk to, because - and Cressida Kroft really really shouldn't find this as easy as she does to forget - new recruits don't magically know what their options are.

(Some days it feels like an inviolable rule that people only bring problems to her when she both isn't needed and can't help solve them.)

Lyvina probably didn't think of "complain that the reigning monarch of Korvosa is abusive towards her" as a possible solution to her woes even to dismiss to it as an option. 

Plus there's confusion with the chain of command, where Sabina Merrin is nominally in charge and also incompetent as an impartial mediator.

And Kroft gave her new recruits an expedited orientation.

And she already knew that Mayyad's reluctant to propose things when it could make a superior look bad!

Cressida Kroft is a careless scoundrel


"I haven't checked in with you since pairing your team with Queen Ileosa. How are you holding up?"


Um, okay, that's - not what I expected this conversation to be about.


It's been alright, I guess? 


What did you expect the conversation to be about?


I - haven't been having as much fun as I could be having, and, I don't think - I don't think that's because of the, I get that you're doing something different from the standard Pathfinder game and different isn't necessarily bad in fact different is usually good and new experiences are good and it's quite possible that, the dumb thing is that it's quite possible I'd enjoy this game a lot, that I'd be enjoying it a lot, if it were just - presented in a different way, if it had been presented in a different way, and that's ridiculous of me and I know that's ridiculous of me, see, I think the problem is that we weren't clear on expectations and we had different expectations from each other and I'll come around to enjoying the game I'm sure and you put a lot of work into it and I hate how your puzzle didn't have the payoff for you that you wanted it to but on the bright side I think Altronus loved it but it didn't land for me because I didn't realize what you were doing so things like having people comment on our player character traits pulled me out of the game because in the version of the world that I thought existed many of those weird traits didn't exist right I assumed that the setting made sense with us as a part of it instead of making sense as a thing that we were added to and I viewed our actions and NPC actions as a lossy approximation of what those characters were doing in the actual world of the game so like if Altronus eats a pound of halfling wandermeal once every three days to reset his starvation timer and only "wastes" a 5 silver ration when he needs to reset his timer against ascorbate deficiency that's not necessarily canon to the campaign setting - maybe it is or maybe it isn't - but if Altronus makes a movie reference that's definitely not canon is what I was thinking, that's how I thought of it in my head, and now you're saying that the goofy wandermeal thing he's doing is definitely canon and the movie references are canon too and also we're a party of crazy people who dreamed up Planet Earth and that could be really fun I think if you'd said at session zero that you were going to run a game like that I'd have been hyped but I built a serious character and I had a backstory and a personality for her and this - when Ileosa read my mind you told me what my character was thinking and it wasn't what I'd thought my character was thinking and that's - it's - violating is a strong word but what my character is thinking in their own head is something I'm supposed to have control over or at least is something that I'm accustomed to having control over you know Machiavelli said something about restoring ancestral rights being one of the most popular things a Prince can do and taking them away one of the worst possible ideas not that that's really all that relevant right now I'm sorry about the tangent, my point is I didn't plan for Lyvina to be a crazy person and all of this would have worked better for me - it would have worked better for me if you'd set expectations outside the game or even when we were bumbling around trying to - when we were bumbling around if you'd told us out of character what your expectations were so we were playing a game together instead of it being you who's playing a game on us and you should have just it would have worked better for me if you'd just told us what you were doing out of character instead of trying to solve out of game problems inside the game is how I feel but it worked fine for Altronus you know he enjoyed it and you know you try things and sometimes they work and I don't want to say that it's your fault or my fault it's just an unfortunate thing that happened and we move on we live and we learn

[pause for breath]

and there's a there's this thing where like okay this campaign is trying to bill itself as a setting where you can do anything because it's open world and people do clever things like buy things through their bags of holding or block the doorway with commanded shadows or use mage's magnificent mansions as a food-producing spell I never even looked at it that way I always thought that mage's magnificent mansion was kind of a useless spell but the thing is that I wouldn't have ever looked at it that way because there are easier ways to make food and I already know them so that isn't what would jump out at me when reading the spell and there's something of a central theme or one of the central themes I'm not going to pretend like I've entirely figured out where you're going with this I know you want us to figure that out and if you it's really dumb I know it's dumb that I'd probably enjoy that if I'd just I know it's a passing mood so I'm not sure we really need to talk about this and maybe it'd be going better if I wrote things down and put my thoughts in order but there's this theme where the setting is exploitable and you can come up with good ideas and they won't be shot down and this is a story about coming up with good ideas and implementing them and maybe the game is supposed to be unwinnable if we can't cheese things hard enough but the problem is, the problem is that works for Barry and for Arthur because they're allowed to try as hard as they can and it's just good clean fun but if I tried as hard as I could we wouldn't have a game because I know the system better than that's not strictly true maybe in our group I'm just at the Pareto Frontier of system mastery and mindset and I wouldn't be casting permanent images or feeding people with mage's magnificent mansions I'd be casting infinite wishes and feeding people with hydras and you tried to reassure me early on when the King was dead and no one liked the new Queen and I'm not sure whether we're supposed to be on her side or not because people hate her for the dumbest reasons but she also independently of that seems kind of mean but at the time I thought she was going to be an arc villain maybe she still will be I don't know but I said "why not just resurrect the King" and I didn't want to make your life harder and I remembered reading on the boards that there's an Adventure Path where that's a huge plot hole so I came up with a reason why it'd make sense for them not to have tried resurrecting him but you had the Field Marshall uh the Watch Sergeant that everyone calls the Field Marshall you had her say that it was a good idea and she hadn't thought of it and I think that was meant to reassure me that this was an open world kind of game but the problem is that there still are rails somewhere because I know you aren't going to let me cast free wishes and I don't know where the rails are and it hurts, it hurts to give me that kind of hope, to say that it's an open world, and I'm free to just play, and maybe you even believe it because you - you don't get how close the world is to falling over, but if I press the matter you'll have to respond, so maybe I'd prefer to just know where the constraints are so I'm free to optimize within those constraints but you can't hold the rules and the setting in your head so you think you're fine if I cut loose but you're not, and it hurts more to kind-of-try than it does to just follow the rail-road tracks, and both are better than actually putting in a real effort and getting slapped down for it. 


Lyvina Mayyad is crying, now.

Either that heaping plate of word salad is key to everything strange about that group of four, or Lyvina Mayyad is having a psychotic episode. 


Or, y'know.



"Lyvina. You should drink some water and lay down for a while. I'll ask Choryon to watch you."


 I, I would like to talk about our expectations outside the game, because this isn't - it isn't funny when I'm trying to talk to you about the thing where talking to you only affects things insofar as my character saying those things inside the game would have that effect, and then you ignore me or else have an NPC respond like I said it all aloud! 


.......There is literally no way that Kroft can respect that request, other than by walking away, which... is emphatically not the play here.

Her aim should be to get Lyvina hydrated, horizontal, and somewhere quiet, with someone that knows her well and cares about her in the same room.


...Either that, or take everything at face value and ask how to get free wishes.

You know, just to check.

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