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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Do we actually need phase door?

What if instead we used hallow with death ward? Sure, it's a lot of fourth-circle spells, but we've got Zenderholm, Reebs, and can probably contact the Pharasmans upstairs.

And hire clerics through the Bag if we have to!


Two problems with hallow. First, the area of effect isn't that large by the standards of shelters - 


Cast it multiple times - 


 - and second, it takes 24 hours to cast.




What we really need is more time.




More time - or more daylight.

In Westcrown we had streetlamps, and if you were out at night it was somewhat safer to stick near them.


Streetlamps are brilliant?


Almost by definition!


But what we need is a second sun.

Or something else the size of a guinea and roughly as shiny.


I guess you could go there? Or, if you had an infinite supply of continual flame spells...?


Continual flame has an expensive material component and it says in the setting doc that spell-like abilities typically still need those.


Ah, well, that's me thwarted. 

By all means continue, Ra.


In Westcrown the shadow beasts never burgle homes.

We're not dealing with Wescrani shadows, and if we were there'd be a simpler solution!


I wouldn't count on it still being the case that Wescrani shadows stay out of doors.


Kroft is going to make a note to ask what changed about Wescrani shadows - and about shadows in general.

Varisian shadows were never polite enough to stay out in the street, but somehow neither did they ever tear through her nation. That must have something to do with Rovagug's intervention, but - she has so many confusions there.

She doesn't want to interrupt the conversation about the sunlight, though - she wants to A) know if creating a second sun is within the purview of miracle, and B) know if that would actually suppress all shadow activity.


Do you have anyone who can cast miracle?


We could hire someone - if we can source a diamond for it.

Wish-grade diamonds aren't pebbles that you find in the garden, and it wouldn't surprise Kroft in the slightest if no one in possession of one is willing to part with it today for any price that Korvosa can pay.


Miracle takes 25,000 gp in diamond dust, which might be easier to source piecemeal. 


It says in the setting doc that miracles take whole diamonds, like wishes, so the diamonds themselves are major strategic resources more than just the face-value of the gem.

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