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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Hell will provide.


How much material assistance is Hell able and willing to provide?


Uncharacteristic sincerity here: you don't want Hell's help.


Reebs doesn't know yet.

He's waiting on a sending from the Pit, in case they have instructions he should follow.

As getting information out of the Outer Planes is expensive for them, an hour from now the Archbishop will prepare and cast lesser planar ally

He hopes that this course of action will have been anticipated and the devil can fill him in on the details - and, Hell willing, sent along with a portable hole full of foodstuffs.

If it wasn't he'll tell it to arrange that and be ready for his next casting of the spell.


Why not send to Hell yourself?


Lesser planar ally is the same circle spell.


Arbiter Zenobia Zenderholm thinks that Korvosa should offer Axis and Heaven the chance to underbid Hell.


Hell can almost always sell things for cheaper.


That, she will note, depends on what value you place on the final destination of your immortal soul.


In the long run we're all damned.


Maybe you're all damned!



Kroft would like for Zenderholm - and Tuttle, if he's available by then - and a competent lawyer from Axis - and also Toff Ornelos - to look over any contract Reebs or Ileosa wind up signing.


"My advice," the hemotheurge known as Togomor forms the intention to say and has the experience of saying, "is to just starve in your hole. Never make deals with a devil." 


No one acknowledges that he said anything, so it must be that he didn't. 

Not that he particularly expected anything else.


Accept, for the sake of the argument, that we can't save everyone. We can't build hundreds of shadowproof shelters... but can we build three? 

One in Veldraine, one in Palin's Cove, one in Harse. And then everyone who can escape within escapes within, with all the provisions they can carry, and everyone who cannot cannot. 


In the spring - 


In the spring many unaccustomed to it will have to try their hands at tilling soil. 

If I saw better options I would state them.


I have, alas, cast as many as several seventh-circle spells today.

I can cast your one phase door, but any more beyond that and my congeniality may not survive.


I don't know what you mean by that.


A master of hemotheurgy can renew spent spells with the magic in their own blood, as from a Pearl of Power. 

This man, Togomor, is beyond doubt the greatest hemotheurge I've either met or credibly heard tell of,


You are entirely too kind, Mr. Zey!


- but he may yet share their characteristic weakness.

When a hemotheurge presses their abilities too far they go murderously insane, casting lethal spells on all about them.

Even as all at once their arteries burst and they bleed to death within their own skin.



Let's avoid that, then.

Related thought: can we rent a Pearl of Power from Absalom?

Or three of them?


A seventh-circle Pearl?

I can quote you a price, but you won't like it.


Might go for it anyway.

If we can only save the people within walking distance of a handful of cities, that's terrible but worth so much money to us.

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