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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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"I think Tian Xia would invade us if we did that."

"No they wouldn't! Our sun god is alive and functional but theirs is a total wreck!"


Suns are like holes into the positive energy plane, right, so we just need a Gate into there up in the sky.


Most stars contain a rift to the plane of positive energy. That does not make them the same thing.


Making another sun sounds hard. Teleport is a thing, right, and stars are like other suns? We just need to teleport a second star over. It'd even be good for the teleporter wizards because once we have the sun problem fixed we won't have to lean on them so much.


You cannot teleport a star.


Of course she can't, she's not a wizard.


You're all missing the obvious trick.


My trig is super shaky, but if I didn't fumble a number somewhere:

Permanent image can create a disk 36 feet across. Plant that sucker 4,000ish feet in the air, and it'll look the same size that the sun does.

Then, an object 4,000 feet in the air can be seen for 80 miles.

We take Reebs's square grid -


Don't you dare take Reebs's square grid.


- and put a sun down every eighty miles.

That's less than nine images.




The square grid is lying to you.

It's going to take ten uses of the spell, or more, or less; it depends on the shape of the thing you're trying to tile.


Still sounds doable to me.


Can permanent image imitate the brightness of the sun? Or - illuminate anything at all? It's a mental effect.


If permanent image were Mind-Affecting, it'd say so in the spell description.


Figments like permanent image are neither phantasms nor patterns

They neither rely on nor prey upon a victim's imagination - rather they are figments projected from the spellcaster's.

Though it's hardly a surprise that lazy Lyvina Mayyad pays as little mind to her masters of Illusion as she does her class on Evocations.


You must love the taste of leafy greens, Vodka.


Are we rolling initiative? I got an 18!


Come on, prof, pick the fight, I wanna do something this session.


Salgar, be polite to my fucking bodyguards.


....Irevotnin does not feel like he is the party in the wrong here??

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