So, uh, I've been in a conversation, I mean Lyvina has been in a conversation, by message, the cantrip, I mean, with someone who could read her mind. And, context, I rolled high enough I mean Lyvina rolled high enough well I guess I was the one who rolled but it was her modifier anyway she knows everything that there is to know about rakshasa just about but I don't have as ready access to her store of trivia, I have to read it, right, and I didn't have chunked that rakshasa cast as sorcerers and can read minds as a supernatural ability, so, that was the context, anyway, I was having my mind read and I was curious what would happen if I didn't tell the GM what Lyvina was thinking, because then the rakshasa (but I didn't know it was a rakshasa) would read something but who knows what, because usually Lyvina knows what I'm thinking even if I don't tell the GM what I'm thinking but she can't possibly know what I'm thinking while she's having her mind read because that'd be blatantly supernatural and the GM isn't a psychic [citation needed] so the GM took a guess at what she'd be thinking and decided that what'd be in character was if she tried some science experiments to figure out whether she could easily prove that Golarion was real and our world the made up one (but she couldn't, probably because that isn't true) and then after that she deduced that she was having her mind read by a rakshasa, which I didn't know, and that really desynced us, and then the rakshasa started replying to things that Lyvina was thinking with me out of the loop until just a bit ago.