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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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It feels off to me too. 

This doesn't feel like the most natural version of the world where Melyia Arkona is a pagala rakshasa, I think the most natural version of that world would be like, Melyia immediately saying "don't freak, I'm a pagala, a traitor against rakshasa-kind, you can check with Abadar's truthtelling!"


Yeah, who does he think he's fooling?


Someone get a magic aura on that Seducer's Bane Bracelet, pronto.


Another message slides, face-side down, across the table for Olivia.

But you can cast Abadar's truthtelling on me.


...Cressida Kroft expects Glorio would be happy if she believed that Melyia were a reformed Rakshasa. 

But, no, she doesn't think he's counting on it.

It's kind of a far-fetched story, right? Why would a Rakshasa pagala work for sinister House Arkona? That's an objectively odd place to search for redemption, even considering Lord Arkona's recent philanthropic new direction.


Glorio is getting to that part of the story right now! 

Words words words words, and they're all very coherent just as long as you pay close enough attention to the trees.


Call me a druid how I miss his forest.

So, either Lord Arkona is fumbling the ball - as can happen to the best of people, especially when caught out of position... or else he doesn't expect her to believe it.


This story has been a little light on the details so far - how does the ritual to become a rakshasa actually work?

You know, so I can avoid doing it by accident.


Rakshasa aren't their own greatest victims, but they are their own greatest marks. The dhruva jivita is a sucker's game, and there's one reborn every minute. 

If you're chomping at trading your human noodle for a poodle head, take a meditative second and think on what you'd do if you ever or always regret it.


Oh, wow, yeah, that sounds like it'd be horrible.

So, like, what's a day in the life for a rakshasa?


Listlessness and hollow satisfaction built on horror done to others.


What I'm hearing is that it's just sleeping and fine things all day, maybe with a side of yummy cannibalism?

I can't imagine why people ever convert.


Fear of Hell. Selfishness.

Sheer stupidity.

It's said that all cruelty stems from weakness, in the end.


Oh, sure. (I'm not rolling my eyes at all.)

Weakness like having so little impulse-control that you get angry and kick a powerful wizard in the head?


Weakness like having so little common sense that you goad the guy with so little impulse-control that he kicked a powerful wizard in the head?


In the worlds where Glorio Arkona doesn't expect her to believe his lies, he's either: 

1) Desperately hoping that she will, playing to his outs.

2) Planning on it.

Which seems more likely?


Another whispered message.

Please, Olivia, you're the only one who can help.


Olivia announces to the room that Lyvina Mayyad begins to keep her mind studiously empty!!

...Except to recollect whatever conclusions it is that she's apparently come to?!


Are you about to open up about those secret notes?


Yeah, just give me a moment to read what it is that Lyvina's been thinking!


And now you're saying that at least some weakness stems from cruelty, which contradicts your earlier claim that it always works the other way around.


I'm not sure that logically follows.


Go and back him up, sure, it's not like it's my name on your paycheck or anything, why would I ever expect loyalty.


Do you... do you take it as a personal attack when someone disparages cruelty??

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