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Brenda isekais to Golarion
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"Nah, don't worry about it, I was just curious. A piña colada is a cocktail with pineapple juice and coconut cream and rum and a lot of shaved ice," which she has technically never had because she's too young to drink, but it's good without the rum at any rate. 


She's so lost as to what any of those things are - she'd say except for the ice, but she's never heard of a kind with hair.


Arueshalae, meanwhile, is listening as carefully as she can without being obvious about it to everything. Elysium is very different from what she imagined, but - most of the differences are good ones, and it makes sense that there are ways to be good and make other people happy that wouldn't even occur to a demon like her.


"Ooh! Azariel, I know what I want to do after this - do you know where we can find a coconut tree?"


"Yes, though I'm less sure about the pineapple. We might need to go on a bit of an adventure."


Brenda could potentially Dressing Room a pineapple hat, but her friendship instincts are telling her not to ruin their excuse for an adventure. "Have fun! Azariel, mind if I copy you too?"


"I can't think of anything, so go for it!"


And now Brenda can swap back and forth between having human legs and a snake tail! 

"Ooooh, this is really neat!" she says, clumsily attempting to slither. "Also what's your once a day divination spell? I can't tell what it does other than affect myself somehow."


“Divination… either talking with animals or talking with plants, I think, though if it’s copying spells it could be identify or read magic or something?”


"Woah, you can understand animals? And plants? How does that work?" She bounces up and down in excitement, which turns out to still work with a snake tail.

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