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Brenda isekais to Golarion
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Ember starts to walk through after her, then turns around and... doesn't offer her hand, because with how Arueshalae feels about touch that would be cruel instead of supportive. Instead she'll try an encouraging smile.


Stay calm, Arueshalae. You're different from how you used to be, you won't try and ruin Elysium. Desna saved you for a reason.

It's not totally convincing, but it's enough that she manages to put one trembling foot in front of another until she's on the other side, and somehow the realm of heroes doesn't reject her for her trespass.


Coming up behind them - though making no particular effort to be stealthy - is a winged woman with the lower body of a snake. In her hands is a lute, but a sheathed sword rests by her side, and in the air next to her flutters a miniature amber-colored humanoid surrounded by bubbles. When she speaks, it's as much a song as it is recognizable words, and while the words are somewhat cautious she doesn't appear to be hostile.

"Hail, travelers."


Ooh, they're both pretty. "Hello! I'm Brenda; it's nice to meet you." She introduces the rest of the party.


"I am known as Azariel, and this is Exie."

The Ataxian flying next to her waves one of his hands.

"What brings you here? It is not so rare that visitors arrive from Golarion, but traversing a gate most assuredly is, and you have both unusually much and unusually little magic for adventurers."


Haha yeah she is doing everything extremely out of order isn't she. "I'm going to be leading an army to fight the demons that are invading Golarion, and I'd like to use Gates to help them get where they need to go. So I'm looking for somewhere out of the way where it won't cause problems if a lot of people walk in and then shortly walk back out again."


Azariel isn't exactly a customs agent - putting aside how Elysium is very much not the kind of place to have customs agents, if they were nobody would ask her to be part of it. She briefly considers the possibility that they might be lying and planning to invade Elysium instead, and if she should do anything about it if they were, but then decides that if anyone actually did that she could just make that the Gorumites' problem. Some of them would probably fight alongside the invaders, of course, but if she asked them they'd just say it was more interesting that way or something.

"That's the good thing about Elysium, there's always somewhere out of the way. Even a few million people wouldn't bother many people unless they decided to move in long term. Is there anything else you need from your location, like temperatures? I think I remember that being a bigger deal for mortals."



"Yeah, it needs human-survivable temperatures--a little on the cold side is okay because we're coming from somewhere cold, but not much below the freezing point of water--and roughly this atmosphere, I can give more details on that if it varies a lot, and roughly this gravity, and--Nenio, what am I forgetting? Barometric pressure! This area is pretty good on that front too."


"It also needs to be somewhere that the ground is solid enough to stand up to a lot of weight, and that isn't slippery." 


"Oh, I know just the spot! Follow me!"

The Ataxian flies off, then circles back around when it realizes that they can't all fly.

"We used it for this one dance party, but I don't think anyone's hosting one that big near here soon."


"Yes, also those! Thanks, Wenduag." She follows the Ataxian, in flying cloud of glitter form but at a speed everyone else will be able to keep up with easily. "We'll be coming through tomorrow and then probably not again for a while, and when we do I'll make sure the area is free again first."


A short flight and one hill later, Exie arrives at a large clearing. In the center is a small rise, and along the edges of the clearing are a few massive trees with roots that hang around above ground for long enough to make benches of various sizes. The moon and starlight are joined by various bioluminescent fungi in a wide array of colors.

"Do you think this will work?"


She visualizes nine thousand people moving in columns through the space, adds the supply wagons with their horses and mules and their need for slightly smoother ground. She'll come in there, she thinks, and put the exit there. "This will be lovely, thank you! By the way, may I ask what kind of being you are? I haven't met one before."


"I'm an Ataxian! An azata of courage, drinking, and parties!"


"And of bar fights."


"Only when it's for a good cause! It's like the big man always says - you gotta be the scrappy underdog rising to the occasion, not the bully throwing their weight around."


Brenda has a vague sense that continuing this interaction will result in being taught the True Meaning of Party as something other than "a group of people who would prefer she wasn't there, being very loud", but decides she's fine with that. "Does that mean you never get in bar fights with each other, since you can't both be the underdog, or is it alright if you're evenly matched and having a good time?"


"Well, sometimes things do get a little heated. But we can't really hurt each other when sober and it's even harder when we're drunk, so there's never any lasting injuries, and once we've seen each other's commitment it's easy to make up afterwards. Or make out, depending. So all's well that ends well!"


Amused but friendly snort. "Glad you're having fun! Hey, mind if I use my ability-copying power on you and see what I get?" Possibly she'll never find out what she gets because it will only kick in when she gets drunk or something, but whatever.


“Oh, sure!”

Being an Ataxian is awesome and more people should get to do it.


Dragon Fairy Elf Witch! She acquires an aura of tiny bubbles and turns it off and back on again.

"Ooh, looks like I can conjure somethi--whoops!" Brenda laughs as a pint of ale materializes in front of her, minus the pint glass, and she utterly fails to catch it in the hand extended for this purpose. "And the other one is a one-a-day transmutation for . . . operating a variety of mechanisms? It's so flexible I'm not sure where to start." She squints even though the spell structure is in her head, and her irises do the spinny loading icon thing. "Oh, it's for picking locks! That'll come in handy sooner than later."


"Always useful to be able to get past a lock when you need to. Like treasure chests, or jail cells."

The usefulness of being able to create alcohol of course goes without saying.


"And it's just one action, not two? Normally magically creating beer takes two spells, one to make water and another to transform it, but I suppose I have heard people say Caydenites can do it as a cantrip..."


"Yup, definitely one action! Or possibly it's two magical actions happening really fast and triggered by a single mental action rather than one magical action.  Now that I've done it once I think I can do either ale or wine but not, like, vodka, or piña colada, or for that matter water."


"Distilled alcohol is pretty tough to do with magic, so a lot of us just make it ourselves and then share it with each other - if you want some, I can go get it! What's a Pina Colada, though?"

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