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Gender? I hardly know 'er!
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"...I hadn't thought of it like that. If you could meet our characters or be one of them that would be freaky."


"No I'm with Viv, Dominaria sounds a lot cooler," he says, not looking up from the notebook. "Oh the money ones are nice, I wanna be richer than God, too."


"Between Toril and Dominaria I actually lean the former because I know next to nothing about the M:tG setting and what little I do know makes me feel terrified of it."


"I thought you didn't like D&D."


"It's not my favorite RPG setting—system, rather—because the focus on combat is annoying, but on the other hand it is a setting where you can literally go on to become a god, and what's more Mary Sueish than an isekai story where the protagonist seduces powerful adventurers, becomes one herself except much more quickly than is reasonable, becomes a goddess, fixes everything, etc?"


"Female pronouns, now, huh?"


"Might as well inhabit the character."


"Should I start calling you she/her?"


"...not yet. I'd feel weird, before I actually get forcefemmed."


"I've been doing anypronouns, which has so far mostly cached out to 'he/him except when something else for emphasis' now that I think about it. I'll try to sprinkle more variance in there. They."






"You know, anypronouns sounds. Good. Actually."


", at random, or..."


"I guess?"


"You're very queer, Tarleton."


"Yes, har de har har."


Vivian rolls her eyes extravagantly. "If I weren't philosophically opposed to violence I'd be punching you again, MK."


"Just use me as a punching bag, why don't you."


Felicia punches him, not very hard. "You asked for it."


"It was a—oh whatever."


"You aren't categorically opposed to violence, Marcus Oliver, so you cannot complain when you get it. Besides, as the local white male cishet you are obliged to suffer for the sins of your forebears."


"You're -" Vivian pauses. "Dammit, I can't say 'as a white bi dude you're on thin ice too' anymore because you're actually a white bi question mark. Foiled again by gender."


"And apparently 'bi' might even start to become misleading given that dragons are being added to the equation. 'Pansexual' takes on a whole new meaning when you might start to become capable of fucking abstract concepts. And I'm pretty sure I'll get to shapeshifting—well, not just 'pretty sure', the notebook directly told me that I can get shapeshifting with my current set of powers, and if you think I'll stick to human let alone 'white dude' you are sorely mistaken.

"That said I was raised as a white dude and have all the relevant privileges so I think I'm not not on thin ice."


"There you go again with your SJ bullshit."


"Come on, Pete, you know how I feel about it, it's just all the, the, the politics this shit keeps painting everything with, and everything is a goddamn war, and—"

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