mosses and heartsbloods form the guardians of the galaxy
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There's some point defense, which mobilizes first to threaten them, then to tell them to stop, then to shoot at them - but once you take away Odin, Asgard is a tiger made of gold foil. And Ash's ship is faster than their little patrol boats, and she's gone straight through harrier blockades.

She makes it to the prison wall without a single scratch, and the thick metal of the prison is tougher than most ships - but she's going fast at a stationary target, and it crumples with a shaking jolt she can feel in her bones. 

They now have a breach, and also a very alarmed Asgard that's belatedly rushing to scramble a defense. 


"All right, kiddos, unbuckle and let's move. If we have five minutes left with an intact ship, I'll be pleasantly fucking surprised."


Rocket and Chewie are already out of the ship before she finishes the third word, and Rocket readies her bigger guns - removed from Chewie's stomachs before they started their approach - and starts picking out targets. 


And Chewie coughs up their biggest guns, since these idiots are giving them just enough room. 


Turns out anti-aircraft guns come in 'cat operable,' especially if that cat has an uncountable number of tentacles. 

They might have more than five minutes, really, given Chewie lines up their first shot and fires just as Ash finishes talking.


Gamora's gotten as far as 'unbuckle and stand up.'

Those cats are... Unnervingly practiced at this. 


"Hm. Maybe seven. After you, thief girl, you're the one who knows who Loki is."


Quickly into the prison then, her own gun in her hand so she can shoot any prison guards - she knows where the high security cells are, and they're nearby but didn't quite penetrate, so 9S is going to need to open some doors for them...

Asgard, it turns out, is very lazy on air defense - aircraft are unmanly - but excellent on guards. They're going to have their hands full with not getting shot. 


The guards are going to have their own hands full with not getting said hands chopped off!


Unfortunately she needs to help 9S and cover their position with sniper fire and can't really watch 2B fight. She'll need to arrange a spar.

They get through the doors quickly at least - Asgard's a little behind on this kind of security - and then Gamora is leading them to the largest cell - 


Which contains a gangly woman who's standing and staring at them as they round the corner. She looks more concerned than like she's anticipating a rescue, and her posture is very guarded. 


No time to really reassure her beyond a quick, "We're breaking you out," as she and 9S get the forcefield walls down. And then a rapid retreat back the way they came. 


...Loki follows after a second. She doesn't have her knives though, and isn't really contributing to the fighting part of this. 


The fight is covered. At least she is following.


The ship is still there when they get out! Though Rocket and Chewie are having a bit of trouble keeping up with the target rich environment here. 


"Rocket! We're leaving! If you were saving a finale, now's the time to clear the sky!"


They'll get a path - and get in last, Chewie packing their stuff up in a rush of tentacles as the ship lifts off. 


Time to motor.


They're going to have a harder time getting out than in - but if Ash guns it she can break atmo pretty quickly, and their little patrol boats aren't designed to fly in vacuum, and it apparently takes them longer to scramble proper ships.


Well hell. How about that. Ash Quill raids Asgard and lives to tell about it.


"We make a good team."


"As long as you're not trying to fuck me over, sure."


"You might be too dangerous to backstab," she teases. 


"Damn straight. But speaking of backstabbing... What's up with our rescuee?"


" - Right." She turns to Loki. "To be clear, I'm not grabbing you for Thanos," she says. "This is a pretty straight rescue - we need your help."

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