mosses and heartsbloods form the guardians of the galaxy
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"We can't master the Infinity Stone." Probably. "And it'd be foolish to try. But - we can look for allies of our own. Or at least hamstring Ronan."


"Where are we going to find anyone who is both dumb enough to help and strong enough to be useful?"


"...I might know a few."

"One of them will - also be especially concerned about the Reality Stone. Another has a strong grudge against Ronan's backer - she's currently in jail, so scoping her out might be a little complicated and will add another group gunning for our heads, but she's someone I know well. There's a third person who may or may not currently be in this universe, who's mostly going to be concerned with stopping the Infinity Stones from being used."


"I think our time constraints are going to rule out the third."


"And I'm hesitant about both the first and second, though for different reasons."


"Why so?"


"I don't know the first, and the stories around her are inconsistent in some ways - but she's got a good reputation. She's the Sorcerer Supreme, and rumors were split on whether she had the reality stone or the time stone - I think she at least had the reality stone previously, and that she gave it to Asgard, who were definitely the ones who gave it to Tivan. The Sorcerer Supreme - the selection process is a closely guarded secret, but they're usually reliable for things like 'keep Infinity Stones away from genocidal maniacs.' This would be in her jurisdiction. However... Some of the rumors about her are - dark. There's one rumor that she tried to destroy the universe. There's also disagreement about who she even is that has me - suspicious. And she's a powerful woman, and might decide that she's the most fit to watch over the Infinity Stones - and I can't predict her to say if she'll then use them."

"The second... I know her pretty well. - Decent chance you came on her name. Loki. She's currently - probably technically a prisoner of war. She led the most recent invasion of Earth. She was working for Ronan's backer Thanos then. She's slippery, and is probably our best bet for separating Ronan from the Reality Stone without a massive fight. She definitely hates Thanos, will probably extend that to Ronan, and I'm pretty sure wants to stop anyone from using the Infinity Stones. She also has chronic backstabbing disorder, but we've come to an agreement. - Decent chance she knows where the third person I mentioned, America Chavez, is or at least how to contact her. They're - I have no idea if they're friends or sworn enemies and the answer might be 'both.' America Chavez is definitely reliable for this kind of thing."


"Asgardian patron of mischief. Yeah, not sure that'd be our best move."


"Who is Loki currently imprisoned by?"




"Not really a soft target."


"Strong enough to fight off Ronan if he follows us, though."


"Might pull them out of their isolationism, too. And Thanos already invaded one of their 'protectorates;' they won't look kindly on Ronan."

"On the other hand, the Sorcerer Supreme is on Earth, which has... Honestly probably more people who could take Ronan in single combat than Asgard does."


"On Earth? Fuck that."


"Not a fan?"


"I'm from Earth. I don't plan on going back."


"Wouldn't have to be permanent, and you wouldn't need to even set foot on the planet - but..." Shrug. 


"Earth hasn't achieved widespread space travel yet. Regardless if they have the means to deal with Ronan alone, there is still his fleet to consider. Collateral damage."


"We can try Loki then. And if that doesn't work out, we can try to contact the Sorcerer Supreme without taking the Power Stone too close to Earth."


"Sounds like a plan."


"Fuckin' great. Always wanted to see Asgard, yeah."


"They have a reputation for good alcohol and better fights."


"Yeah, as long as you avoid someone blasting your head off because you dared to set your imperfect foot on territory they've rightfully conquered by force."


"Sounds like a good excuse for a bigger fight."


"Fuck yeah."

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