mosses and heartsbloods form the guardians of the galaxy
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She snorts. 

"So, want to be looped in?"




She starts slightly modifying her diagram! And explains some of what she's doing as she goes - "The runes aren't like, strictly necessary, but it helps for a finicky thing like this. Let me do some of the prep work ahead of time and fix them in place, so I'm not juggling everything live. Right now I'm anchoring things to keep us from getting tracked back to our bodies, without making it harder to actually return..."


9S asks questions from the perspective of a complete novice, but has a knack for cutting to the underlying principles that unify seemingly disparate elements.


She laughs a little, and says: "Part of the wider problem - there's no underlying rules to magic. People make up rules to make themselves feel better. To make sense out of a senseless world." She nods to her diagram. "That's what this is. A made-up rule, from a made-up tradition of magic."

"But that's what magic is. It's making things up - it's taking a thought and turning it into reality. Imagining a future and working towards that." She spreads her hands, and green light gathers around them. "Telling a lie and making it the truth."  The green light arcs from her hands, is met by the now glowing diagram - and rises to swirl around 9S.

"Telling a story so wonderful, so perfect - that you believe in so deeply - that for a single, shining moment... The universe believes - "

And the green light dissipates, and they're in the back of a cavernous room - a dark audience hall on a dark spaceship, an imposing throne on the opposite end, containing an even more imposing man. A hall full of aliens who don't call an alarm at the sudden appearance of two strangers in their midst.

"That two girls can look across the galaxy," she says, "And not be seen." And then she flashes 9S a teasing smile. "Let's take a look around. Just remember: don't doubt yourself."


"Easy for you to say..."


She laughs. It's loud - and no one seems to hear them. "If you want to do magic - you'll have to get used to this."


"I'm working up to it, okay?"


"Better learn quick."


"Yeah, yeah."


She offers her arm to 9S, to lead her through the crowd. 


Lead on, magical mystery lady.


Ronan is holding some kind of court it seems, or else a war council. They start out too far away to hear what's being said.

He has his hammer with him - and there's a violent red light roiling within and around it, one that wasn't present before. It looks almost wet, slick with blood or liquid fire. 


...9S wants to see if Loki will identify that before saying anything.


She clearly notices it - it's very obviously magical - but doesn't seem to be paying extra attention to it beyond 'magic thing being held by Ronan,' and doesn't comment on it. 


"That, on his hammer, matches the description of the Reality Stone, the last time it was seen."


The world before them - shifts, a bit, and a haze of Loki's green magic wraps around them; Ronan's hammer looks like a billowing black hole with the filter. "It's powerful enough," she confirms after a moment. "Possibly unsafe to approach any closer, actually." The green haze dissipates. 


"I was hoping to get some idea of his movements..."


"We can do it, then."


Then closer, cautiously.


Seems to be a discussion about tracking down the Power Stone - which was the one Ronan actually promised to Thanos - versus just going straight on the offensive against the Nova, now that they have such a powerful weapon. Ronan doubts the Power Stone is a threat, and doesn't care about his deal with Thanos, but is hesitant to put two of those Stones together...

Seems like he might actually be planning to leave their crew alone, and just go focus on his rampage across the galaxy.


Well. That's both good and bad.


...Might be bad for motivation. She doesn't actually want Ronan marauding across the galaxy, she thinks, even if he's leaving her alone.


Yeah, the trouble is going to be getting some members of the group to see that.

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