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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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But holding her hand... (no, there will be plenty of time for that later).

"Works for me!" he says. 


She beams and pecks him on the cheek and darts off.


Dang she's so very cute. 

He quickly gathers his stuff and hurries out to the bike rack to meet her. 


And there she is, with her skates on, bouncing!


Yup, still cute. He grins at her, and grabs his helmet, and puts it on, unlocks his bike, and then he's ready to go! 

"Shall we?" he says. (He wants to kiss her again, but he also wants to hang out with her, and see the maid pictures.... he can always kiss her at her house.)






He's doing his best not to go too fast this time, keeping up with Rosy rather than the other way around, since things went wrong last time. He's... mostly succeeding. 


Rosy is cheerfully setting a very similar pace to Wednesday's.


....well, okay then. At least it'll give him a chance to start on his homework? (Also, the fluffy robe was very good. And very easy to remove.) He matches her pace, zooming along towards her home. 



Soon enough they're on her doorstep and Rosy is once again swapping out her skates as fast as humanly possible. She's very efficient.


She is! John enjoys watching her work. (He might also just like looking at her, in general.)

"Showering again?" he asks. "I can get started on homework in the meantime."



Into the house and up the stairs and pause at her bedroom door and point down the hall and "the door should be open, feel free to get set up and I'll be over in a few minutes!"


That makes total sense. And John will go and do that! But.... what if he wants to kiss her first. Would that work? (Does she look like she might be open to a kiss?)


Well, she's looking at him with eager excited adoration. Up to him if he dares try it, under those circumstances.


....those seem like very conducive circumstances! He reaches out, a little tentatively just in case, wraps a hand around the back of her head, and pulls her into him for a kiss, pressing his lips into hers and enjoying the feeling of how much she wants him, and how into him she is. (They're very good feelings.) 



She had plans. And thoughts? There were thoughts?

Now what she has is kisses.


And very good kisses they are too. Hopefully Rosy is also enjoying herself? (It seems very much like she's enjoying herself.) 




(Yup, very much seems like she is.)

Eventually, (regretfully,) John breaks off the kiss, and says, "You were planning on showering, yes? So I should probably let you do that."


"...right," she says, a little dazed. "Yes. Yes, that was going to happen." She shakes her head slightly and smiles at him. "You're really attractive, you know?"


"If you say so," he says, smiling. "You're very attractive too. And fun to kiss." (There are some parts of his body very strongly signalling agreement with those notions at present.)


Daringly, she pecks him on the lips.

"Okay. I will shower! We will do homework! Then we can check out the old house together! Good plan!"


"Good plan!" he agrees. And watches her head into her room, and then he heads off himself into the, um, desk room? Homework room? He has no idea what to call it. And gets himself situated and starts on his French homework. His favorite (sarcasm). (All the better to get it out of the way ASAP, though.)


Rosy takes just a little longer to shower this time than she did last time, but she's still traipsing into the office in her bathrobe with her wet hair and her backpack full of homework in under ten minutes.


He turns when she comes in. (He wants to tear the robe off of her and make out with her and grope her....) She looks... well, she looks good. "Homework time?" he says. 

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