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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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(Oh these are good plans.) 

He lets go of her head and pulls back in his chair so she can get out and stand up, and he stands up himself (and tucks himself back in and zips up his pants as she's extracting herself) to wait for hugs. 





Hugs are good. Very good. Especially Rosy hugs. (Double-especially naked Rosy hugs. Her skin is soft in his hands and she is very good to touch, she feels warm and caring and loving and good.) He squeezes her to him and relaxes into her arms. 


His arms are so warm and strong and his hands feel so nice on her skin and it's so good to hug him and be hugged by him.

Okay. Okay. Time to do a thing? Okay.

...extra squeeze.

"I could get dressed?" she mumbles into his shoulder.


"You could!" John says. And then with a bit of whimsy, "It might be difficult when I'm hugging you, though." And then he sighs, and kisses the top of her head, and lets her go. "I really like hugging you," he says, and flops into the chair. And then pauses. "Wait, you need to go your room to get dressed, don't you," he adds, and starts to get back up again. 


"Yes. I did not bring a change of clothes here in my backpack. Maybe I should've! But I didn't."

She picks up her robe and wraps it around herself and snuggles into its cozy fuzz and grabs her backpack so she can take it back to her room.


John grabs his own backpack and goes to follow her. 


Room! Clothes! order to get dressed she first has to get naked again, of course. She maybe wiggles shyly a little bit about that.


And John watches appreciatively! "You're cute and pretty, did you know," he says, and then blushes a little at saying something so trite. 


Oh!! Happy bounces!!


(Oh, hi, those are her tits bouncing too. Nice.)

Oh good. He smiles, and watches her bounce (yup. good.) and get dressed. 


Soon she is clothed again! And also happily trotting over to hug him.


He likes the hugs! (He really likes the hugs.) 

"So... how does this work, exactly?" he asks, while hugging. "Like, where is it, how do we get there, how far away is it? That sort of thing." 


"Well, that depends. If you want to take the road, you'll need your bike and we'll have to take the long way around and it'll be a bit. If you're okay with taking a shortcut through the woods, we can walk there in about ten minutes."


The woods are scary! People died there! But also... "The woods, um, belong to you, right?" he says, only letting a bit of his concern (worry) (fear) leak through. "Or something like that? So I should be fine if I take the shortcut with you, right?" 


"Yes, but also it's not that much longer to take the roads, it's just a bit more of a pain. So we should only take the shortcut if you're comfortable."


Unfortunately, that doesn't... really narrow it down much. On the one hand, is he comfortable with going through the woods? (Unclear.) On the other hand, he should be okay with it, and even if he isn't the only way to get better at being ok with it is to actually do it, and he needs to be in the woods later for the ritual. On the third hand, having his bike would be really convenient, and she said it's not that much longer. On the fourth (increasingly biologically improbable!) hand... nope, he's out of things to put into hands. Oh well. That's two to one. So even though he really feels like he should take the shortcut... "I think it might be more convenient to have my bike in case I need to go straight home?" he says. "So I guess we should do it that way." 


"Sensible!" She pecks him on the cheek and takes a minute to repack her backpack into a homework-free state.


John cannot reasonably do this! So instead he watches her repack his backpack. 

"What's that for?" he asks, pointing to an adorable blue-green water-bottle like object (with silver ears, of all things, attached to the silver screwable top), in the side pocket of her backpack. He's pretty sure he hasn't seen it before. "Or... wait, is that the Contingency Tea? Do you need the Contingency Tea?" Or did he not manage to hold on fast enough... "Or, probably not, actually," he says, feeling a bit silly at himself. 


"I don't need the Contingency Tea this time. But I am bringing it to the old house with us, on general principle."


"Oh yes, definitely. There's um, still a good chance you might need it." He hopes so. 


"Here's hoping!"

All right, away they go.


Outside, to his bike (and Rosy putting on her skates), and then he follows here wherever they are about to go. Where, exactly, are they going? 


So, there's a fairly plain metal gate blocking off one of the two exits to the house's curved driveway, and if you walk your bike around that gate, it turns out there's a whole road back there! She leads him along it, and when it comes to a fork she goes right, and all told it is in fact longer than the ten minutes she promised it'd take to walk straight through the woods, but eventually they round a final curve and pass through another gate across the road (wrought iron and beautiful, screeching balefully as Rosy shoves it open far enough to admit them) and arrive at A Mansion.

The new house is already a mansion, but this mansion is bigger, and older. It has towers—two major ones, a big one on the mid-right and a smaller one peeking over the roof to the rear left, plus an assortment of little turrets placed decorously at various corners. Instead of a relatively modest portico it has an entire balcony overlooking the area in front of the house, flanked by two half-towers set into the front wall. Speaking of which, 'area in front of the house' is something of a misnomer, because besides the main house section with its several floors and two entire towers, there's also two huge wings, each almost the size of that main building, set off from it at forty-five degree angles like a pair of arms reaching out to embrace the front area.

The wing on the right has a huge gate that it looks like cars are meant to drive through, so maybe it's meant to be some sort of garage? It could eat four normal garages for breakfast. The wing on the left has a lovely colonnade situation going on, and a great big bay window on the second floor that looks like it probably gets a spectacular view of the paved area between those wings. The paved area is worth having a spectacular view of, because there's a huge multi-tiered fountain in the middle of it which, although currently full of dead leaves and mud, looks like it would be quite the spectacle if it was clean and working. Even the paving stones are pretty; all different shapes and sizes, they're arranged in a subtle gradient of lighter over here, darker over there, bluer and redder and yellower in various places. In the light of the afternoon sun it looks lovely.

The whole place is enclosed by a tall, rather overgrown hedge, which was clearly very imposing in its prime and is honestly even more imposing now that it hasn't had a haircut in decades. The only visible break in the hedge is where the two of them are standing, at the gate where the road comes in; it otherwise seems to encircle the house completely, though there might be a second gate behind the house and out of sight.

Rosy takes a deep breath, looking up at it all.

"Welcome to the old house. Do you want to leave your bike at the gate, or take it into the stable?"


"I think I might want to stare at the, um, house for a moment first. Or several moments." That's not a mansion, it's a castle. Or well, not a castle. An estate? (Don't estates come with grounds or something? Well, this one does have an entire forest adjacent.) It has towers. The towers have their own, smaller tower things. Mansions don't normally have those. 

Regardless, despite how run down everything is, it's incredible. Spectacular. (The fact that it's weirdly not symmetric is bothering him slightly, but he'll get over it.) Stupendous. There are probably other superlatives too. (Also he wants to make all of the leaves not be in the fountain, he wants to see it action. There's no way he can clean that, though, it would take forever and probably not even work after anyways.) 

After several moments (or more than several, really) he says, "Um, is the garage thing the stables? I think maybe the stables? If the idea is to explore this place, we might as well explore it. And we can start there. Unless you have another suggestion? Also, this place is incredible. And huge. And weird? But in a cool way? It's a lot." 

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