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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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He smiles at her. "Good toy." And then he pulls in his chair, and pulls out his phone. What to look at? Something quick and dirty that'll get him hard and wanting to cum fast. He pulls up a saved story from his phone, and starts reading, skimming ahead to the good part. It's not long before he- before he takes his hand- (come on, she said she liked it earlier!) before he slides his hand into his waistband and starts stroking himself as he reads about how the girl's mind is getting utterly broken. And how eager that makes her to serve, even parts of her try to fight. 

It's not long after he starts stroking his cock that he decides... "undo my pants and pull out my cock, toy," he says, not looking down, not stopping looking at porn. (He might not be reading it really, though.) He moves his hand out of his pants so she can manage. 


His toy eagerly obeys. She's quicker, this time, about letting go of what she hasn't been told to touch.


Good for her, well done. Part of him wishes she hadn't, and kept touching and maybe even stroking... but she's supposed to be a toy, and only do as she's told. 

Does... does he want to taunt her a little while longer? He very well might. John reaches down, not saying a word, and goes back to stroking his now, exposed cock, doing his best to read the porn again. Thinking about how Rosy/his toy is reacting is keeping him from really paying attention though. 

After another couple minutes of this, he says, (removing his hand) "Lick it. Lick up and down its length. Show, show me how much you want it in your throat." 


Tiny whimper.

She obeys, leaning closer to run her tongue reverently along his cock, trembling with desire.


Unfortunately, that is one extremely hot delaying tactic too many. "Suck!" he says, urgency suddenly in his voice. "Suck, now, please," he's practically about to burst. 


She wraps her hands and lips around him as fast as she can and sucks and swallows.


As soon as the lips form a seal (or near enough) around him, he lets himself go, groaning at the feel of her lips and the release of orgasm, spurting into her mouth and throat. (So close to perfect! Damnit! Still feels really good though. Really really good.)


She keeps going as long as he does, then slows down, gently licking away the last few drops.


(She's very attentive and very, very good. Fuck.) "Good toy," he half-mutters, still focused on and enjoying the sensations from her mouth and lips and tongue on his cock. (There may also be a smidge of annoyance and frustration at himself for being too greedy but only a smidge.) "Good desk toy."


Soft little happy humming noise. Gentle tongue.


Good. All of those things are good. He likes making her feel good for having done such a good job. He likes her tongue. 

He likes less the oversensitivity thing that keeps happening. He tries to hold out a bit and enjoy it, but soon he is starting to twitch when her tongue becomes a bit much. 


She pulls her mouth away, licks her lips, pillows her head on his thigh, and smiles dreamily.

"Thank you for using your toy, sir."


This time, he's the one that shivers at her words. Fuck. "You're welcome, toy," he says. Can he let his arm down to snug her? He can! Sortof. Her head, at least. 


Oh so cozy. So comfy and warm. Happy. Good.


He pets her and sighs. "So, you had a good time, then?" 







(How... does she keep doing that? How??) 

"Maybe a little?" he admits. "I wanted it to go perfectly, after the last few times. It still didn't go perfectly. I'll do better next time." 


"...what even was imperfect about it???"


"...the bit at the end, when I came, um, a bit earlier than I wanted to." He was so close! He should have been able to hold out a little while longer at least. 


"...hmm. I see what you mean, but... it was still nice, right?" (Nuzzle.)


"It was still nice, admittedly. I had a lot of fun." He really did! Just didn't quite stick the landing. "Did you enjoy it too? The bits where, um, where I um..." taunted her "made you do things and then, um," left her hanging and excited hopefully, "made you wait a little while longer? I might have liked those parts."


She grins up at him. "Your toy likes waiting to be used, sir~"


"I'm very glad," he says. He really is. He wants to hug her but he's already at an awkward angle hugging the back of her head. He pulls her in tighter as best he can, though. 


Smush face on leg. Cozy noise.

"...I could extract myself from under your desk and stand up and you could hug me? And then I could go get dressed and we could check out the old house?"

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