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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"Homework time!" Time to perch in her chair at her desk and do math that is less fun than Cozy Math but still adequately fun!


Well, he's still stuck here doing French. He can do math afterwards, though. And then after that it's just the things that involve writing, which should be worked on when he actually has access to a computer. Though he can always just plan things out....

"About how long do you want to do this before we um, do other things?" John asks. "The stuff that doesn't need to be typed should only take an hour or so from me." 


"An hour or so sounds good!"


"Sweet! Talk to you in hour or so."

And now time to do homework while there is a cute girl sitting right there who would totally crawl under the desk and suck his cock if he asked the right way. Probably. (This would be a bad idea, and make him get work done more slowly, or more likely not at all.) (It is a bad idea, right?) (Right?????) 

Instead of daydreaming and getting turned on, he should be conjugating verbs and such. Ughhhh. He continues his work. 



After about an hour, she says, "How are you doing on your stuff?"


"I'm all done with my French, and working through my math homework." It's a lot more boring than the cozy math is, but at least it's math. "Maybe another 10 minutes or so? How about you?" 


"I'm pretty close to done!" There is a sound remarkably akin to an adorable girl wiggling shyly in a big old desk chair. "I was wondering if you might want to do your last few minutes of homework with a desk toy waiting patiently under your desk or if that sounds like a terrible idea."


Well, parts of him very much like that idea. It might not work very well, but.... "I'd be willing to try," he squeaks. "It, um, I, um, might have thought about that some already" though in his version her mouth was on his hard cock, this is just the waiting version "and it might be difficult to get work done? But I could, um, try?" His voice squeaks again. 


"We could try it! If you take a little while longer to do your last ten minutes of homework, it's hardly the end of the world. Give me a minute or two to finish up?"


"I um, yeah? Yeah! Sure. Of course." The question is, does he try and work faster or slower now in these couple minutes? Faster so he can get his work done faster, or slower to um, savor the experience. (The answer appears to get distracted with the question and fantasizing about ordering her under the desk, or ordering her to strip first, and get very little work done because of that.)


She merrily finishes her homework and packs it all away into her bag and then crosses the room to stand by John, wiggling shyly again.

"Hi." She fidgets with the end of her fuzzy belt.


"Hi," John says, mildly embarrassed but also very excited. "So um. You still want to be my desk toy?" 


"Yes, please."


Okay, um, how does he want to do this? She should be naked, right? "Okay, um, then take, take off..." he pauses and breathes. No. He should do this right. He takes several moments and breaths to get into the right headspace, to think about how to sound and feel if he could just command her like that, and then he opens his eyes and looks at her. "Strip," he orders, his voice resounding with command and confidence. "Strip and kneel."


"Yes sir," she breathes, shrugging off the robe and sinking to her knees.


Well that's, hot. Watching her thrill to his voice and watching the robe puddle around her and watching her fall to her knees like she's his and eager to obey. All of which, it turns out, is true, more or less. 

"Excellent," he says, pulling back his chair so she can make it under the desk. "Crawl." He points under the desk. "Crawl and kneel, facing me." Fuck, he's turned on. He cautiously reaches down a single finger to touch himself through his pants. Yup. Hard as a rock. Fuck. He just has to finish his math homework first. 


"Yes sir. Thank you, sir."

She crawls under his desk, naked and shivering, and sits on her heels with her legs folded under her, knees together, hands flat on her thighs.


Yup, that'll work. "Good. Wait there." he tells her. And then he pulls his desk in and tries to work. With some success! Though his hand may go wandering between his legs when he's thinking from time to time. And he pulls the chair out to look at her on occasion. To make sure she's okay. (And also enjoy the look on her face.) 


She seems to be pretty okay! She very much has the look on her face. It is such a look, and she so very has it. His devoted desk toy, kneeling and waiting for his orders.


Yup. Yup. Yup. That's hot is what that is. Fuck she's so into him. He looks back into her eyes, touching himself because he's turned on and because the confident part of his mind wants to taunt her. And then he pulls the chair back in and pulls his hand away (reluctantly) and does another three problems before checking on her again. 



Fuck. Okay. More math? More math. 

Eventually, he finishes, and puts everything away, and looks. Part of him wants to order her to just suck him off now, but part of him... "I, um, how are you, um, how do you feel about..." No. He clamps down. "How are doing down there, toy?" He asks/orders with his voice full of power and confidence. 


"Your toy likes waiting to be used, sir," she says, softly but clearly.


"Good. I'm going to-" what? "I'm going to loo-" seriously? "Look at p-" oh come on. "I'm going to look at some things on my phone," he finally says. (Apparently being full of confidence in his head and voice isn't enough to make it easy to say certain words. What the fuck. Oh well.) "You can wait a little while longer." That part of his brain wants to just pull his chair in and ignore her and look at things on his phone, but he looks down to make sure she's okay with what he's asking before doing so. 


"Yes sir. Thank you, sir."

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