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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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It is! And John really really likes how she sparkles about it. (She's so cute and delightful!) Also, it's fun to snuggle up against each other to read the book together. 


Boy is warm. Good to lean on. ๐Ÿ’–


Also she loves him so much. (He still feels weird about it, but it might be getting less weird. More testing required.) It feels good (even if complicated) to be so loved.

After a short time, his parents finish dinner, and mom comes and pokes her head in (joy). "Do you need anything, both of you?" 

John sighs. "I think we're good, right Rosy? But thanks."


"Mhm! All good." She has this cozy boy to lean on, you see.


"Well, if you do need anything, ask your father." She yawns, a little performatively, but she is tired. "I've had a long day and only a short nap, since I had to cook dinner for someone and their new girlfriend, and I'm off to bed. So give me a hug first, alright?" 

"Sure, mom," he says, unleaning from his girlfriend reluctantly and getting up to give her a hug. "Thanks for dinner, it was tasty."

"You're welcome," she says, giving him a warm squeeze and a kiss atop his head. (John squirms, a little embarrassed.) "Oh, I'm going to miss you soon," she says, not letting go. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"I know mom," John says, now firmly embarrassed (why is she doing this in front of Rosy help), "I'll be back for the holidays and summers and things."

"I know," she says (still not letting go), "but it won't be the same. I can't believe how fast you're growing up!" She gives him another loud kiss atop his head, and (finally!) lets him go. 

"I know," John says, for lack of better response. "Good night, sleep well." 

"You too," she says. "Don't stay up too late, cute girlfriend or no." And she heads up the stairs. 


John drops back into the chair, leaning against his girlfriend, tension draining out of him. "Okay. We should be mom-free now." And thank goodness for that. He sighs and breathes, feeling weirdly unsettled. "More math?" 


...what if snugs, though. What if arms wrapped around boy and gently squoze. What if that.


....Oh. That seems to help. That seems to help a lot? He wraps an arm around her and hugs back. 


Cozy squeezes will continue until morale improves.


Morale, is in fact, slowly improving. 

"Thanks," he says, eventually. He's not entirely sure what he's thanking her for, but he feels grateful all the same. 


"Anytime!" Tiny forehead kiss?


He grins at the kiss. She's soft and sweet and very good to him. "You're very good to me, you know," he says with a sigh. He might be thinking about how this doesn't make sense and that he doesn't deserve her again. (He should remember to memorize his lines tonight, shouldn't he.) 


Squeeze. "I like being good to you. You're good to be good to." She should not murmur sexy things in his ear. She should not. It would not be appropriate.


"I'm glad," he tells her, still snugged up against her. (He doesn't know why she likes it so much, but at least he has it.) "I'm really glad." He sighs. "We should do the cozy math?" He makes no move to let her go. (He doesn't really want to let her go. Or vice versa.)


"Mmm. Hands-free cozy math? A truly advanced technique. We'll have to turn the pages with our noses."


John giggles, despite himself. She's so cute! Cute and very good to him. "Silly," he says, slowly extricating an arm from their snuggle. "There. Now we will be to use our hands for the very important task of turning the pages." (And not for touching her breasts, despite his desires.) 


"Sounds good to me," she says, squeezing his shoulders and nuzzling the side of his face.


Cozy. Cute and cozy and not math. Even if it is very very nice. He reaches down and turns the page and sees what she's going to do next. 


Lean cozily on him and read the math book! With occasional nuzzles.


Well that for works for now, he supposes. And when they get to a part where they should do some exercises? 


"I should let go of you," she sighs. "You're so comfy though."


He turns and kisses her on the top of her head. "I'm glad to be so comfortable," he says, still not understanding why. "But, math?" Though he supposes there's no good reason for them not to just, snuggle, if she wants to. (Well, as long as they don't start making out.) 


"Math," she agrees, reluctantly disentangling herself. ...and sneaking a quick kiss on his shoulder as she goes. There, okay. Math.


Math! Math is good. (As is the way that Rosy enjoys it.) 

A few minutes after they've started on the next bit of exercises, the near-imperceptible sound of water running turns off from the direction of the kitchen, and after a few more moments John's dad comes ambling in. "Still hard at work, I see," he says with some amusement. "I'm glad to see that tonight's dinner didn't leave anyone with lasting emotional scars."

John sighs. It's funny, but also it isn't. "I think we're fine, dad," he says, glancing at Rosy to see if she agrees. 


"If you want to emotionally scar me you'll have to work a lot harder than that!"


"Oh?" his dad says, suddenly looking thoughtful, in a way clearly intended to be a joke. 

"Dad!" John half-shouts, quieting when he remembers that his mother is upstairs falling asleep. "That wasn't a challenge!" 

"Are you sure? She's the adventurous type. Would you like us to try harder to scar you emotionally?" he asks Rosy, still clearly (to John, hopefully also to Rosy!) kidding. 

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