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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"Are you doing okay? Do you want a hug?"


He looks around for somewhere to put his package, ends up putting it on top of his backpack for now. "A hug might be nice?" he says, uncertain. 


She perches on the edge of her bed and holds out her arms.


He goes over to her, and reaches down to hug. And tentatively hugs. 


Cozy squeeze. Though if he's not going to sit next to her she'll stand up so she can snug him properly.


He's not really certain of himself to sit down next to her, but he's pleasantly surprised by her getting up to hug him. "I'm sorry," he says. "I um, I didn't really intend for that to happen. Or want it to happen." (Her hug is warm and comforting.)


"It's okay." Squish. "I had fun. You seemed to also be having fun."


"I was in fact having fun." He was definitely having fun. Pity he fucked up and it ended so soon. 


"Good! I'm glad!" She wraps her arms tighter around him and nestles her head against his chest and mumbles "wanna be yours", muffled by his shirt.


He smiles despite himself, and squeezes her in his arms (and a little bit regrets not sitting down to hug her before). "I think that miiiight end up happening," he admits. (Did he really think he was going to turn this down? If she's his, it will probably go even better. His qualms seem... much less important right now.)


His arms are so cozy.

"Well good," she says, nuzzling him some more.


More grinning, more squeezing. More snuggling. She feels so good in his arms. 

He tentatively (slightly worried but it's probably fine) kisses her forehead affectionately.



Happiness. Cozy soft warm happiness.


Excellent. Fuck, she's so cute and cuddly and affectionate and wonderful. And very very into him. "Mine," he tries, softly, to see how it feels. 


"Yes please," she sighs happily into his shoulder.


Yup. Yup. Yup. That feels good. He wants this. He kisses the top of her head and squeezes. 


Cozy! Soft.

"Do you think we dare try to snuggle in my bed?"


"That's probably okay," he says. "As long as I don't fall asleep, my parents are expecting me to come home at a reasonable hour." It's already kinda late, probably, but they should be able to snuggle some.


"I would like that."


"Okay." He lets her go so they can get into bed together. 


She flops into bed and holds out her arms again.


And he flops right into them and scoops her up into his own arms. 




John feels very much the same! And he gently pets her while going back and forth between regretting his dumb mistake and vaguely fantasizing about what it will be like to own her. (And thinking about what time it is and if his parents are going to be worried.)


"I love you," she says, nestling close. "You're really very attractive. And cute. And good to snuggle. And kiss. I really like kissing you. Also when you touch me, it's very good when you touch me."

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