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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"We could. It's even what we came here for!"

She's gazing at him in a more pointedly adoring way than usual. It could not possibly be more obvious that she's trying to lead him in a direction.


It does seem very obvious to him. Extremely, terribly obvious. (But what if, somehow, he's wrong.) 

"Well, um, you can start by sitting closer to me so we can both see the book at the same time?" He is trying to be suave or something. He is clearly failing. 


She scoots closer. Definitely closer than she needs to be to see the book. And snugs her arm around his waist and gently bonks her head against his shoulder in an affectionate fashion.


That is very cute, and soft, and, and, maybe he should wrap his arm around her too? Like before? She didn't mind him doing that last time, she probably won't this time. 

(Also, the cute girl is very close and he wants to touch and kiss her.) 


She is in fact actively very happy about his arm being around her! And about gazing adoringly into his eyes. At close range. Kissable range, you might say.


Okay, by all rights he should kiss her right now. She seems to want it, he wants it (parts of him want it especially), but he's still worried that if he does he'll be doing something wrong.

This is being silly, though, isn't it. (Yes!!! Just kiss her!)

Okay, let's, try this? Let's try this. 

John leans forward, and, puckers his lips, and sees if Rosy does the same. 



So she has been trying not to be too overwhelmingly aggressive, and she even manages to maintain this noble pursuit for about half a second of gently pressing her lips to his, and then it all goes out the window and she's grabbing his face so she can kiss him harder.


John is suddenly having a lot more trouble thinking than usual. Most of his brain is taken up by kissing. Kissing, or more accurately, how much she's wanting him with this kiss. It feels really really good to be wanted with her mouth. (Fuck it feels good, and he's fucking turned on now.) He pulls her closer to him, and returns her passion with his own.


There's a lot of passion. Like, a lot of passion. It seems almost impossible, inconceivable, that he could really be here and really be kissing her, that he has this lovely warm body and she gets to touch it, that he has these lovely strong arms and she gets to be held in them. She is so in love with this wonderful adorable unfairly attractive boy and she needs to express this state of affairs as emphatically as possible. With her face.


If he were thinking consciously at the moment (he is, he always is, but a lot less at the moment than usual) he would be thinking about the ways she wants him, and noticing how she likes the things he's doing (squeezing her, arms around her, face pressed to hers, kissing her with hunger) and then doing more of them. The process is the same, but a lot faster and with much less self-doubt. (She wants him, she wants him, and he wants her, and fuck he's going to keep kissing and squeezing and kissing and fuck he's turned on.)

He's still not brave enough to go exploring without more impetuous, at least for now, but having never kissed before, and certainly not someone as pretty and passionate and wanting as this, he's happy where he is. 



Eventually there comes a time when she can think about things other than how all-consumingly important it is to be kissing him.


Oh goodness, she wants some things. She should exercise self-control about... most of them, probably. But self-control is hard and John is right there and he has hands and whoops there she goes grabbing one and redirecting it to a location.


Some of him is panicking, some of him is.... very excited. Very, very excited, some parts of him. He wants to growl (growl? Where's that coming from) and straddle and grope and feel her, what with the tacit permission granted by where his hand's been put, but the desire to do that is stopped short by the part that's worried about doing something wrong (and if he does something wrong this might stop) and so he touches her breast though her clothing in a much more cautious manner, waiting to see how she'll react. 


Happy sparkles and melting and perhaps also a touch of impatience. Or maybe a heaping tablespoon of impatience.


...for several moments he wars with himself (he doesn't know what he's doing!) (she might not like it!) (she's giving herself to me.) before giving in to the obvious desire and want and impatience and approval. He squeezes harder (but not too hard!) and shifts so he can push her back and down a little, kissing and wrapping his other arm around her in a slightly forceful way. 


Happiest meltiest Rosy. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–


Parts of him want more but the rest of him is appalled at doing so much so fast and taking such uncertain liberties, and also this is more makeouts than he has ever had (more anything than he has ever had), and so he will continue in this manner for several minutes if not otherwise prompted. 


For now she is entirely satisfied with being kissed and groped and forcefully held. Very, very satisfied. Also still kissing back passionately, very much also that.


Well he is oh so happy to satisfy her in this way. And every kiss helps him know that she's enjoying this too, if it wasn't obvious otherwise. (Oh he wants her, he wants to take her.)


(She pretty clearly wants that too.)


(He knows, he can feel it in how she kisses him, how she reacts to his touch, but he's being cautious, being careful, and enjoying every moment of her want.)


Happiest meltiest Rosy.


Turned on and very happy John. 

Sufficiently turned on, in fact, that his other hand decides to do a little wandering, after several minutes (she almost certainly won't mind, right? Right?) and starts traveling very carefully down her backside to search for and gently squeeze her butt. Just to see if she likes it. (She's going to like it, he knows, but for some reason he needs to be careful.)


Delighted wiggling ensues.


That's just going to encourage him to squeeze it a little harder. (While kissing. And groping. And enjoying himself, a lot.)


Oh there's definitely kissing. She's grabbing his face again and making some very emphatic noises about it.

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