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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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The cozy Rosy snuggles up!



Okay, John is going to ignore math for the moment in favor of snuggles with Rosy. (Snuggles, and doing his best to ignore some of other unwanted things, shifting in his seat as necessary.) 


"Cute. Happy," she proclaims..


"I'm very glad," he says, grinning with joy, still nervous, still ignoring the discomfort between his thighs. (This moment would be even better if he wasn't, um, distracted, damnit!)


He's so cozy... what if she closes her eyes and nestles against him and quietly basks in his presence and warmth and touch and cuteness and sweetness, what if that.


Then John will do his best to do the same! He may have a harder time relaxing into this than he wants to (because he wants to kiss her) but he'll do his best (even with having to shift occasionally due to unwanted situations) and hold her in his arm (he could "accidentally" touch her breast) and mostly succeed (she wouldn't mind, he knows she wouldn't mind, there is a cute girl in his arms and he could kiss her and touch her and he isn't...) despite everything. 



"I sense turmoil," she observes, cozily.


"It's nothing to worry about, I have it under control," he (lies) tells her (lying).


"Okay." Nestle.


Slightly uncomfortable (and confused, he had expected her to call him on it, why does he regret not being called on it (it's because that might have led to kisses, that's why)) snuggles are given in return. 


They're very good snuggles! Top quality. Cute Girl Approved.


Despite the distractions, he is also having a very good time. And she's enjoying them too! That's... it's really good. He could get used to this. (He very well may get used to this.) (He may very well get used to this with additional benefits which he isn't supposed to be thinking about right now.) 


She is enjoying the snuggles so much and is not at all unhappy about any aspect of this situation. John has his arm around her, therefore all is right with the world.


If that's the case, John is probably the first one to start to wonder about time and comfort and things. (Especially since he already has some sources of physical discomfort.) However, he's not about to say anything about that (he's hugging a cute girl! He's not supposed to! Also she's having a good time!) so it's probably on her to say when they're going to stop. (His leg is starting to fall asleep, though...)


"You all right?"


"I..." he should probably say something, right? "My leg might be falling asleep a bit," he says sheepishly. 


"Oh!" She unsnugs and pokes him in the knee. "Sit comfortably! Do we need to go somewhere that's not a park bench?"



(Like someone's bedroom? No, wrong thoughts! Not now!)


"...where exactly did you have in mind?" he manages, after a moment of fantasy (and several seconds of regret about no longer snuggling her).


"My bed," she jokes, then laughs and shakes her head. "No, you'd implode. I don't know, does your house have a couch? We could do math there. Cozy math. The dining table is also valid but lacks the greatest advantage of a couch, softness."


(Parts of him definitely react when she mentions her bed.) 


(She's right about him imploding though, probably.)


"My house does have a couch..." he says slowly. He's not sure how he feels about this concept. Dad is home, and mom probably is (though it's hard to be certain). "I'm... my parents are probably home though? I don't... I don't know if that would work?" I mean, it might work, it would probably work, he's just a coward. (Maybe Rosy will convince him not to be a coward? He might want to not be a coward.) (He might want to get kisses.)


She picks up his hand and squeezes it.

"I would like to do Cozy Math with you in a cozy place. And you're frightened of my house because it has my parents in it. I promise my parents are much... less... frightening... than you think? But I still don't want to push you to meet them sooner than you meant to. What's the trouble with your parents? It is just those endearing yet tiresome jokes your dad makes?"


"That's definitely part of it. Also mom will probably pop in 20 times to see if you need water or cookies or snacks or an extra pillow or" quick mental math "16 other things I haven't thought of, and then ask random questions about you. She does that when I bring new friends over. She'll probably do it extra with you. It was fine when I was seven." Less so now, goes unsaid. "Though maybe dad will fend her off?" 

"Your parents include Vicky and Ishtar Blake. I mean, one of those is your grandmother, but still. I'm not sure how to not be frightened of them." 


"I understand intellectually that people are scared of my mom. I even understand several very good reasons why people are scared of my mom. However, I am personally incapable of fearing her because for my sixth birthday she put on a koala costume and recited koala facts in a funny voice while I fell over laughing."



"...okay, that helps, but I was not there for that, um, encounter? Event? Happening?" He tries to imagine Ishtar Blake in a koala costume. He does not succeed. "So um, while hearing about it" koala costume? Really? "... I mean, okay, wait, why a koala costume?" 


"I was having a koala moment in my life. They have goofy little faces."

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