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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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And she can snuggle up and lean against him and bask in how much she loves him. Good. Very very good.


Her kisses are so full of, well, of love. She clearly likes him, a lot. Parts of him are still worried about the question of deserving, but... for now, he can just wrap his arms snugly around her and enjoy himself and put that out of his mind. Mostly. 


So cozy. So good to be wrapped up and held and snuggled and kissed.


It's so nice! And Rosy is enjoying everything he's doing, and so he's enjoying everything he's doing too. (Funny how that works.) He could keep doing this for a long time, if he wanted. (He should go home, eventually, but.) This is.... nice. And soft. And warm, and comfortable. And, good. 


Yeah. Yeah, it is.


Eventually she stops kissing him and just rests her head on his shoulder and sighs contentedly.


John is sad she's stopped but he's not going to push her to do anything else, of course. Plus she's happy. He leans his head on hers and holds her close and basks in her relaxation and contentment. 


He is so comfy and good to snuggle.


"So, Cozy Math?" she suggests. "I swear I had this plan where I was going to tempt you to drag me into bed and do whatever you want with me." Nuzzle. "But I think I like what actually happened better."


He wants to give her a single soft kiss but isn't sure if that's ok (though really, how could it not be?) so instead he softly nuzzles the top of her head. "I think it worked out ok too." (Though he a little bit regrets that her plan did not come to pass.) "Cozy math seems good." He will need to stop snuggling her in order to get his math book. And he will. But he's not ready to do that quite yet. 


"I mean, you could also drag me into bed and do whatever you want with me," she says, a little hopefully.


His hands twitch for a moment. He could slide them down her arms onto her wrists? He could do that and then she would make pretty noises again, and then he could kiss her, and push her down, and... he is definitely turned on by the thought. (He can feel it.)

But he's also scared of losing too much self control again. "I... do you really want me to?" he asks, not sure what answer he wants.  


"Mhm! Do you want to, is the question."


His hands twitch again. Push her down and kiss her and touch her breasts, for real time, without clothing in the way. (He may be missing a few steps.)

"...I... I'm not sure," he says. He doesn't know what he wants. (She wants it, just do it!) 


She hugs him. "Well, what are the considerations? Or is it not that kind of not knowing?"


"It... might not be that kind of knowing?" he says. "I can see what I want to do, kinda" slide his hands up to her neck and hear her make the noises (how can he be sure she'll like that?) and push her back onto the bed, fuck, just do it! "But I don't... I don't know for sure if it's a good idea? I'm sorry. I just, I want to, I really want to" he can feel how much he wants to "but it still feels like it might be bad to do it?" He isn't sure what he's feeling himself. 


"Hmm," she says. "Well, could we try it and see?"


"May... be?" Half wincing, he slides a hand down her arm to her wrist, and opens an eye he hadn't realized he'd closed to see her reaction. 


Tiny anticipatory wiggles!!



Does she react the same way if he does the same thing to the other wrist? 


She closes her eyes and smiles, enjoying the moment, enjoying his touch and the way it feels to be in his hands.


What is he doing, what is he doing

(Having a good time, is what he is doing.)

It turns out that having both hands on her wrists makes it difficult for him to use them for anything else. But he can still use a shoulder to push her backwards onto the bed, and then straddle her, keeping her hands held down on either side of her head, his hands still enclosing her wrists. 


He's so good ๐Ÿ’– and strong ๐Ÿ’– and hot ๐Ÿ’–


He likes her reactions. He likes her reactions a lot. 

There's still the issue that his hands are occupied and can't do anything else at the moment, but after a moment's thought he puts her hands under his thighs, one at a time, leaving his own free to do whatever he wants to her. (He now just needs to figure out what that is.)


Well while he thinks about it she's going to be down here melting and yearning for his touch ๐Ÿ’–


Touch he can provide. (He just needs to figure out where.)

He can start with her breasts, that seems like the obvious place. He reaches down and wraps his hands and fingers around them both (through the shirt, sadly), and gropes, starting gently. 


Emphatically encouraging noises!!

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