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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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(Oh fuck.)

(He's reasonably sure she's not expecting him to say it back, right? She's off saying other things even, but still he feels like he has to. Otherwise she'll get mad and everything will come crashing down.)

"I'm, I'm glad you really like those things," he says, clearly flustered. He's supposed to say it back! He's also not supposed to say it if he doesn't mean it too! Does gee love her yet? He tries to summon up love, but he's not sure he has it for her yet. He does care about her, and like her and want to do hot things to her), is that enough? What is he supposed to do here? "I um." He starts, and gets nowhere. What if it's already too late, and he's missed the window. Oh no. 


"...I sense turmoil."



"I um. You um. I." fuck. He's not even sure how to say it. Saying it is admitting that he doesn't want to say the thing. (Though she doesn't seem angry, just confused, so maybe everything is fine? It doesn't feel fine.)


"You don't have to explain if you don't want to. I can just snuggle you instead." Observe: snug.


Okay, she's not angry, clearly. Maybe he can tell her? (Or maybe that would be drawing too much attention to it and the safe thing is to do nothing. Unless this is a test... (It's not a test, she's not like that at all.)) "Maybe that would be best?" he tries. He feels a whole bunch of things at the moment. (Gulit and worry and fear, mostly.)


"Okay." Nuzzle. "Do you want me to stop gushing about how great you are or is the problem separate from that?"


Okay she's not mad at all. He's almost certain of that. Maybe everything is fine. "Separate problem," he says, trying to sound confident, like nothing is wrong. (Separare unless she says it again as part of her gushing anyways.)


"Okay." She scoots up slightly to kiss him on the cheek. "Well, you're adorable. And sweet. And really hot. And I want to be yours."


He blushes at the kiss. "You're cute and fun and hot and really into me, and I um, might want you to be mine." He does want it, but admitting it is hard. 




"Um, I mean. Um. I... want you to be mine?" It's really hard to say. 


Cozy nuzzle. "I'm really happy about that."


"I'm... really glad I even have the option. I'd never have thought... I'm really glad you want this too? And offered it? And can apparently provide it?"


Delighted wiggling.


It's really good when she's wiggly and happy. He squeezes her and grins and kisses the top of her forehead. 


His forehead kisses are so sweet and good..........


Gosh she really really likes it when he does that. He does it again. 


So sweet and good!! She feels all cozy and warm and safe and loved.


She's wonderful. He snuggles close and lets her rest in his arms, feeling content (and loved...) and happy. 


Oh, he's very loved. ๐Ÿ’–


He rests there for a while, and then eventually, "I... should probably go home before my parents worry or something," he says. He doesn't want to let go of her yet, so he doesn't. 


"Sensible of you. I can skate with you as far as the edge of the woods." She glances over at his backpack and its hat. "Are you, uh, sure you don't need laundry...? I guess that'd just make you later getting home."


"I might want a plastic bag, if you have one available, but I should be able to put that in the hamper with no one the wiser." Wouldn't be the first time. 


"I can get you a plastic bag."

She... gives him one final cozy squeeze, and very reluctantly pulls away... and fishes a roll of white plastic garbage bags for small-size garbage cans out of a drawer in her nightstand, and dispenses him one.


Not what he had in mind, but works well enough. The package goes into the bag, the bag gets twisted and tied around its contents, and then gets put in the backpack all rolled up secure. "Thanks, he says. "All right, I'm ready to go if you are?"

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