"You're not pressuring me into anything!" John says, possibly too quickly. "I just... I should be able to do this. I want to be able to do this." He eyes his tasty biscuit, but does not take another bite. He should take a bite of something else first. He puts the biscuit down on the little biscuit plate, takes a deep breath, picks up the spoon, steels himself, and takes a bite, making sure to get a large piece of mushroom in there.
It's... delicious. The mushroom is oddly meaty of all things, but still tasting very much of mushroom, and the broth is savory and light, tasting of more mushrooms and vegetables. The green leaves are somewhat bitter, but in a way that makes him want to eat more rather than less. And... nothing tastes of poison, and his heart hasn't stopped, and his tongue isn't turning blue (technically he can't see his tongue but it doesn't feel any bluer than normal) or numb and he's not hallucinating pink elephants. (Or elephants of any color, really, or any other creature that shouldn't be there in any shade or hue.) "It's... also good," he says, chewing and swallowing with caution but also with enjoyment. He takes another spoonful, still a bit tentative, pausing just before he puts it in his mouth. "You should try it!" and then he completes bite number two.