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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"We dooooo," she sighs. "But consider: bed is soft. Rosy is cozy."


Okay, nothing went horribly awry (thank goodness) so, let's try again. "So then I... join you on the bed, maybe?" he says. "And then possibly cuddle the cozy Rosy?" There, that's better(ish), right? 


"Yes please!"


"Okay then!" John clambers up onto the bed (which turns out to be very soft and squishy, much better than his own mattress at home), and slides up next to Rosy. "Hi," he says, looking at her adorable form, reaching out his arms to try and figure out how exactly to properly wrap them around her. (And possibly sneak some kisses in? Are kisses a bad idea maybe?) 


She wiggles closer and nestles into his arms and applies Smooch to Boy.


Gosh! Okay, well, he's still not sure if kisses are a good idea (they have other things to do still and he doesn't want to get caught up in other things and stuff) but clearly they're what Rosy wants (and what he wants too, mostly, more or less), and so he grins and pulls her into his arms and gives her a lingering (and possibly a slightly hungry) kiss in return. (Look, she's hot and cute and wants him and loves him and she's going to be his. It's hard to hold back! Even if he probably should be or something.) 



"See?" she says, eventually. "Cozy."


John nods in agreement. "We do really have other things to do today," he says, a little anxious (she's going to his) about making sure that they do them. "But I guess we can wait until the house tells us that food is ready?" (He doesn't really want to let go either.) (And also he's having that weird feeling again about not being able to give the house compliments. It's weird.) 


"Yes. I was joking about staying here forever. Our scheduled task right now is to wait for the house to make us dinner and we might as well do that while cozy."


"I figured you were joking," he says with a smile. (He just responded as though he took it seriously for some reason. Foolish!) "Being here with you until the house makes us dinner in the extremely cozy bed that it made up for us" why is he saying it like that, like he's hoping the house will hear and respond (did it?), he should stop these silly thoughts, "with my very cozy and kissable, um, girlfriend" that term is okay right? "seems like a good plan." He demonstrates the last part by kissing her again. 


Cozy kisses. Delighted wiggling.


(No response from the house, which is what he expected. Why does this bother him so much? It's not important, and Rosy is.) 

John grins and snuggles closer, kissing her some more. He wants to make out with her (and touch her and do things to her) but also the bed is very soft and the idea of just lying there with her is strangely appealing. (Possibly from everything he did today. There was so much.) In theory he should be making out with her right now (as long as that's what she wants, of course!), but there will probably be lots of that later and he doesn't have to right now? He kisses her some more, unsure what to do. 


Rosy is very happy about kisses, but also very happy to just nestle in his arms and tuck her face into his shoulder and bask in the coze.


John dithers about it for a while, but eventually settles for letting Rosy rest in his arms while he rests on the bed, accompanied by the occasional feeling that he's failing, yet again. But it's mostly relaxing, at least. Even if he's being lazy and things. (Rosy is having a good time though, clearly, and that's what matters most.)


Boy is so comfy. Bed is so soft. Rosy is so cozy.



Eventually she says, " don't have to go through with this if you don't want to, you know."




"I do want to, though," he says, unsure why she's asking. (Is she the one getting cold feet?) "Besides, you're the one giving up your, your autonomy and things. If you don't want to we don't have to." Which would suck, so close, but it's the right thing to do. He isn't going to force her into something she doesn't want. 


"Right, I just... I want to be sure you're doing what you want to do, not what you think you should want to do, or what you feel like you have to do. You know?"




What does she mean by that? He wants to do the things he should be doing, that's how that works. Even when he fails at doing them (which is way too often). And he wants to do this. It's hot and good and she wants it. He's looking forward to it and did all the prep work and everything. It might be complicated and be a huge responsibility (so big) but also he's about to have really, really hot sex. 

"Maybe?" he says, slightly confused. "This is what I want, though," he says, with as much certainty as he can muster. (It's less than he would have thought, but whatever.) "It's going to be really hot." His hand moves slightly in the direction of his crotch as he makes mention of his thoughts. 


She smiles and kisses him on the cheek. "Okay. I love you."


He smiles and wraps his arms more tightly around her. "I'm glad," he says (feeling odd about it again). He pauses. (He needs to ask too, come on, just because he's scared doesn't mean he isn't required to do this right, come on do it!) "You're really really sure you want this too? I'm gonna make sure to ask after, but like... are you sure you want to do this? With, me?


"Of course!" She wraps her arms around him and squeezes firmly, pressing her cheek against his shoulder, wiggling a little with affection and excitement.


Phew! Okay. Good. He breathes a smile of relief and lets himself lean into her excitement a bit. "It's gonna be really fun, isn't it?" John asks, trying to distract himself from the lingering tension. "I'm going to, to," he blushes a little. "Going to tell you to kneel and then you'll have to." (Distraction success. Also he can feel himself start to get excited at the thought.) "A-and you'll enjoy it, of course," he adds quickly. "Right?" That's also important. Very important. (Most important, really.)


"Mmhmmmmm." Happy sigh. Cozy nuzzle.


"I'm really looking forward to it," he says, possibly a little boldly, smiling with a bit of relief. And he kisses her softly on her head. (He's not sure if she would be okay or if it's a good idea to make out with her right now and besides there will be so much time for that later. Better to be safe right now.)


Oh goodness a soft head kiss! This occasions Extra Wiggles.

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