Vanda Nossëo visits a planet with dragons
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"I don't suppose someone could look for them? A lady with wings mentioned finding out where we originally came from, which is a bit of a daunting subject honestly."


"Yup! We're compiling a list of things like that to check and it'll get sent to the forensics department when it's all assembled."


"There's a few people who I'd like to know what happened to - though it's hardly urgent enough for a magical forensics team, I'd think. What are the essential parts of the starship tour?"


She shows him around through the crew quarters - there's an empty one he can look at - and explains the floating ornamental objects (the floating isn't magic, just hyperminiaturized, but the cleaning they do is magic) and the cargo bay with the vast amounts of empty space, filling up and emptying again as the staff demon and some teleporters take orders and fill them, and then it's back to the lobby he's seen, though it has offshoots - a dining hall, a theater - for onboard occupations.


He seems more and more thoughtful as the tour goes on. "I'm glad I'm not a king," he mentions absently. "Thank you for the tour. I'm not sure if there's anything small I could do to repay you? Oh, I was told I could visit another world for a time as well, if you have a recommendation I would appreciate it."


"I'm from Revelation and I think it's really nice!"


"I'll take your word for it! What should I know to visit? Who should I see about that?"


"Lisa's doing rides to the bus stop, she should be around somewhere - there she is, you can just ask her, and then you might want to ask directions at an information booth once you're at the stop - can you read -"


He hesitates for a brief moment before saying, "I can. More incredibly impressive magic for that, hm?"


"You can get an Allspeak installation at an info booth, and then you'll be able to read all the signs."


He thumps one arm into his shoulder across his chest with a nod. "Thank you again, for the testing and the tour. If you find a need to talk to spirits some time, feel free to come find me."


"Will do!"

Lisa can tote him to the bus stop and point him to an information booth!


He will patiently wait in line at an information booth and take in the world around him. Who is around, what are they doing, what does the place feel like? Busy? Quiet? Clean? Welcoming?


Incredibly busy. People are coming and going in all directions; there are signs, and paths inlaid into the floors, and skywalks and mezzanines above. Humans - or at least folks who look it - form a slight majority, but there are people of more exotic extractions, and they've all got places to go. There are a few permanent installations - the information booths, about twenty of them, and some places selling snacks or distributing advertisement pamphlets. There are huge posted bus maps up on several walls, drawn with different stylizations and emphases.


He doesn't like this place. It feels cold and empty.

That's perfectly fine. Places exist for reasons and it's not like he's impatient or rash. He'll wait in line at the information booth and smile patiently, still carrying the staff with its little brazier and all. Though he's let the flame go out now. Nobody would know what it means, anyway.

"Hello! I'm from a world you fine folks just showed up at, and I wanted to see another. I was recommended 'Revelation', and 'Allspeak'."


"Sounds like a plan!" says the info booth person. "I can Allspeak you right now, just a sec." He produces a wand and bops the shaman on the head. "There you go. Next bus to Revelation will be the Eastern red line, leaving from platform twelve in eight minutes - follow the red triangles, they start right there."


He thanks them, and only realizes after he's left that he has no idea how to get 'home' without - Lisa, was it? He laughs and feels lighter and freer for it.

Here is the eastern red line. He reads signs and figures out where he's at and people-watches a bit.


He is at Bus Hub #1 ("Stjernekart"), in a world called Edda. The Eastern red line goes from Elentári to Edda (you are here)! to Space Arda to Heaven to Revelation (and then Warp, but he'll be getting off before then).

Pop! The bus comes into existence. People get off on the far side and he can board on the near one.


Just an oversized wagon ride. He gets on and - stands in the standing room as out of the way he can get, feeling very out of place with his unkempt clothes and charms and things and so many strange people. Usually he meets them a bit more one-at-a-time...


Pop! The bus driver announces Space Arda; some people get off, some get on. Pop! The bus driver announces Heaven. (Heaven is very white and glowy, no sky nor ground.) Pop! Revelation!


It does seem more efficient this way, since he got the impression they don't trust just anyone to teleport. However that works.

Off he gets into Revelation. Presumably this is another bus stop and not Revelation proper, so he looks for a way out.


It is a bus stop! He can transfer to Revelation-internal buses, but if he just wants to get out, the legend on the sign says to follow the purple circles.

The purple circles spit him out onto a cul-de-sac in Minneapolis.


He doesn't have to memorize this stop's name if he remembers where it is.

(Stjernekart, Edda, Stjernekart, Edda...)

Off he goes for a pleasant walk in suburban Minneapolis, then. Maybe he'll look for spirits later, see if those are unique. Those are very nice houses.


They are very nice houses! There is a contest for makers of some kind of food, and ads for a museum, and people on electric bicycles, and a fellow riding a fucking rhinoceros down the street (apparently you, too, can ride the rhinoceros for a small fee!), and an angel repairing some tree-root-disturbed sidewalks, and restaurants, and a public library, and a craft fair, and cars that fly and cars that don't, and somebody having a loud phone conversation, and a robot mowing a lawn, and a lady walking six dogs, and a grocery store, and a sex toy shop, and a place papered with announcements of an upcoming concert, and restaurants.


Amazing. All of it amazing. And far too busy to even try to look for spirits, which is just as well.

Museum! It's translating very oddly (with a compound word that includes all three of library-palace-temple), which makes it something he just has to see. He attempts to figure out where the museum is.

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