In Love's name and for Love's sake, I assert that I will employ the Art which is its gift in Love's service alone, rejecting all other usages.
I will spread joy and ease pain. I will fight to preserve what loves and rejoices well in its own way, and I will change no object or creature unless its joy and love, or that of the system of which it is part, are threatened.
To these ends, in the practice of my Art, I will put aside despair for hope, and hatred for love, when it is right to do so-- Until Universe's end.
He can feel his sister's Waves of Disapproval from here ("I feel a disturbance in the Force... like my brother talking to someone who uses 'energy' for something other than ATP...") but also bailing on a conversation after two sentences is... probably rude? Not in future him's best interest? "I-is it possible for them to be disregulated since... birth, or thereabouts?"
... He could justify to his sister the energy, but not the past life regression.
"...c-could you summarise what that is?"
"--is there anything about, um, for example, working out what miserable things are changeable and which aren't?"
... So, on the one hand, this does match with what he wants. He wants other people, as many of them as possible, to be happy, even if it doesn't make him feel better in any way.
But also... Things have improved for him? Even doing basic things? So it seems a bit... Premature, to assume things will suck as much as they do now?
"That's useful to know, thank you."
... A promising start.
"I'm sorry, you probably get this a lot, but is this therapy about sex, or... Involving it."
"I assumed so, but I wanted to check." ... He's going to have to explain his problems to a therapist to see if they can help. He is going to have to use his mouth words for this. Why. "I definitely have some problems... About sex, but not exclusively?"
He stumbles across a Unitarian Universalist church with a cheery sign out front that says "Depression? Anxiety? Moral dilemmas? Difficulties piling up so high that you can't see through them? Contact a UU spiritual director today!"
... There's a fifty percent chance this will be whatever the Unitarian Universalist equivalent of "past life regression to align your inner energies with the cosmos". But also, even if that happens, he can say he talked to every available therapist and also the UUs.
(And the urge to take a walk could have been nothing... But it might not have been.)
He may as well try contacting them?
Here is a phone number he can call, and if he calls it he can book another phone call with Reverend Parker. may take him an embarassingly long time to go from 'puttinh that number in his phone' to 'actually pressing the call button,' but he does so.