"It took me until just a few months ago to work out a spell that cured my childhood clumsiness. I very much doubt I ever would have grown out of it otherwise. Trying to learn to swordfight before that would probably have gotten me maimed if not killed; I suppose since then it would just annoy me."
"Well if it would have killed him I wouldn't have dragged him into it. But have you actually tried it? You might like it."
"I'm now more or less capable of walking on a smooth surface without tripping. I can even run, which I couldn't safely do before. But by no stretch of the imagination am I actually coordinated."
"Awww. Edarial doesn't spar with me anymore and the guards are all too scared..."
"If you are in the habit of terrifying even sparring partners who ostensibly know how to use swords I am doubly not going to let you try to teach me from scratch."
"Your skills at rhetoric are truly unparalleled, Zevros," says Iobel, rolling her eyes.
"Yup. Razor sharp wit. I just inherited all two of the good traits from our parents, Edarial's got nothing. Sucks to be you and married to him."
"Yes. Yes you are. Except for the honesty, and the selflessness, and the altruism, and the intellect, and the - you know what, you just got your traits from a magical star-child, congrats. You are half star. It wasn't mom that gave you the hair, that's fucking starlight."
"It seems like this would put paid to the claim that you are in fact twins."
Edarial is currently laughing. Quietly, but it's a thing he is doing. This time it sounds like actual laughter, rather than the bitter mockery Iobel's heard before.
"And half-human from the other side, or are you - I don't know, star-ocean hybrids of some kind to explain your eye colors?"
"Half-human on the other side, sorry to disappoint." He winks. "Gotta be royal somehow."