"Now that would be an interesting departure from ordinary swordfighting."
"Fear my appropriately colored for your specific skin tone makeup's wrath!"
Raney laughs again. "Would you have to switch weapons if multiple people attacked you?"
"Uhhh- Edarial! Edarial help, my memory is terrible, wasn't I like ten?"
"Eight. I remember because you were pouting about me becoming a spellbinder and wanted to guarantee a way for me to not utterly outclass you in every way," deadpans Edarial. "Thus, swordfighting."
"And then I got bored of fighting people twice my size and dragged you into it!"
"I take it you don't much care for swordfighting," Iobel says to Edarial, "but did it anyway?"
"Essentially. Though I would describe it more as being guilt tripped into doing it. Also threatened."
"Yup, definitely. Besides, exercise is good for him. And bruises build character."
"I am skeptical of your reasoning. I think you have ulterior motives to draw these conclusions."