"The corner goblin is an elusive creature, believed to emit positive psychic energy but difficult to verify."
"That doesn't mean you can just tuck it into the myth of the corner goblins with no further explanation."
"Yes it does, I am an expert on corner goblins, I was the one who discovered them!"
"You didn't discover them. You have speculated that they may exist."
"Yes, that is clearly what is going on here, we could never support positions on their own merits."
"Definitely not," agrees Edarial. "There is none of that here. Blind favoritism, it's the only way."
"Obviously that's what's going on here, why else would you agree with each other."
"Yup. It was the misogynistic wedding vows that caused it, certainly."
"They do that, I hear it's bad for your health. Misogynistic wedding vows, not even once."
"Ugh those vows who wrote those vows do I have the queenly power to make the standard set be something else?"