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Theo and Sadde in the Buffyverse
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And so Theo gives him a look. "What," he says flatly.


"Can you open your mouth a bit?"


The look gets stronger, but he does so.

His teeth are definitely pointier than usual. Not ridiculously so, still mostly within normal human variation, but definitely pointy.

At least his tongue seems perfectly normal?


Sadde touches the tip of one of Theo's teeth with his index finger, then his own, and then directs one of Theo's fingers to do the same.


Theo does so, notices the difference, and makes a noise of frustration.

He starts checking himself over a bit more carefully. Any obvious markings on his skin? Maybe he secretly has an extra finger that he's never noticed before? Perhaps an extra limb that regular people don't have, or maybe something 'subtle' like slitted pupils?

... Nope. He notices nothing.

Sadde might notice that Theo's nails seem a little sharp, though. Such discovery today.


"I mean, all of these things make you hotter, especially those teeth which I really hope you'll use on me."


That makes Theo smile a bit, which then makes him think about his teeth, which makes him stop smiling, which makes him feel ridiculous and so he just decides that he'll keep on smiling. Whatever, demonic heritage. Theo can just deal with the fact that he's special.


Sadde holds his hand again so they'll continue walking around the park. "I mean that," he says. "There is very little reason for you to be unhappy about this turn of events." He reaches for a dead leaf on the ground, which floats up to his hand, and he starts playing with it, making it swirl and turn around his hand in interesting patterns.


"Thanks," he says, and follows along. He watches the leaf, smiling.


Sadde continues playing with it, then at one point the leaf bursts into flames and crumples into ash.


Theo raises an eyebrow at that. "Any particular reason for the flame?"


Shrug. "Cause it's pretty."


"Oh, okay."

More walking. More looking at the stuff around them. More studying Sadde.


Sadde notices. "What?"


"Nothing, really. I'm just enjoying myself."

More smiling.


"If you say so," he grins. "So what's your thing?"


"My thing?"


"Yeah. My thing is magic, and getting enough of it that I can actually change stuff. Maybe find the Slayer wherever she is and offer help. How about you? What makes Theo tick?"


"Well, before the vampire it was mostly just getting through high school and college and having a social life. I like math and languages, but I don't really know what I would have gone into, and I didn't really expect to do much but it would have been nice to do something helpful. I'm not sure now."


"I have no idea what I'd be without magic. Scientist or politician, most like. But life would be different enough that I can't really predict who I'd be."


Theo nods and doesn't really have anything else to add.

More looking at the pretty scenery. Including Sadde.


Sadde likes being looked at, and looks right back.

...his gaze may not be particularly innocent.


... Theo's gaze was innocent, at least mostly so.

That has changed.


Sadde can be subtle, he swears! He just doesn't need to at the moment, so he'll keep undressing Theo with his eyes as he observes, "You're not very talkative."


"I'm busy thinking," Theo says, still giving Sadde a look.

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