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Theo and Sadde in the Buffyverse
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Theo goes into the bathroom and washes the blood off his knee. Ugh. "Sorry, I wasn't watching what I was doing," he says, then looks at his knee, which is no longer covered in blood, and makes a small growling sound.


"I didn't know I was that distracting," he says, not commenting on the growling, or the hissing.


"Yeah, well, feel enlightened," he says, going a bit red again.


"Gee, if I'm going to end up distracting you anyway, I might as well kiss you."


Theo looks at Sadde a bit pensively. He stands up straight and turns to face him properly, then says, "Yeah. Maybe." He closes in, gently pushes Sadde against the wall, and leans in, kissing him.


Sadde's taken by surprise, but it's definitely a positive surprise. He kisses back, wrapping his arms around Theo, sliding his left hand up until it's behind Theo's head.


Well. In light of this development, Theo pushes against Sadde a bit harder, and kisses him more forcefully.


Sadde audibly approves!


Theo makes some noises in response. Turns out approval is a turn-on.

There might be some growling going on there.


One, Sadde's very sure that wasn't a sound a human could make. Two, it was hot so why would he care?

Oops his hands are wandering a bit.


Well, Theo doesn't know that it's not a human noise, apparently. He growls again, a bit deeper this time.


Rawr, that causes reactions.


Oh, does it? Theo breaks away from the kiss before it can get more heated and asks, "So, is the date being postponed?"

He looks down at his leg then back up at Sadde. It's lucky that he stopped bleeding pretty quickly.


Oh, good, Theo has let him breathe, that's good, breathing is important. He licks his lips and looks at Theo's face, then says, "No, I think we should get to it. For the record, the 'part-demon' hypothesis got a little bit more evidence right now."


"Oh?" he asks, then looks down and back up, smirking. "What evidence is that?"

He's still standing pretty close to Sadde.


Sadde is completely unashamed. "Growling and hissing. It was hot, but still, not sure a human throat could make those noises."


"Seriously? It can't be that weird - look, try," Theo says, then proceeds to make a few more of the noises. "Come on, no, that's definitely a normal human thing."


Sadde tries.


"No, c'mon, you're not doing it right – like this," he says, and then repeats the noises. "It's easy!"


Sadde tries again. "It's really not possible for my throat to produce that sound. And it remains really hot to hear you do it."


Theo kinda ignores the 'hot' comment. "But... I mean, it's just... not that hard to do..."

He looks confused and a little dejected.


"Aw!" Sadde hugs him and pets his hair. "It's okay, you can be part-demon, it's not that bad."


"Yeah, but... I feel like I should have known."

The hair petting is definitely helping, but he still seems a bit lost at the idea of not being human.


"I think you can be justified in not knowing, if you never made out with anyone as hot as me."


He gives Sadde a look, then smiles a bit menacingly and makes another growling noise at the back of his throat.

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