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Theo and Sadde in the Buffyverse
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Can Sadde be blamed if that forces him to turn the hug into makeouts? He thinks not.


That's okay. Theo can just keep making the noises. He turns out to be a pretty good kisser.


So does Sadde! Who'd have thunk.

This time he's the one to stop the kisses first, though. "Sssoooo, about that date...?"


"Yes. Date. Walk?"

He's a bit breathless from all the heavy kissing.





Yep, hand-holding. And the occasional noise, usually accompanied by a grin.


"So, if you do turn out to be a demon, that actually gives credence to the possibility that I'm one. Different species, probably."


"Yeah. I don't think I can just change to look female at will, and you apparently can't growl like that. And I'm guessing it's an inherited thing, so I don't know about my dad, or if it's my mom."


"Well, one, I can actually more-or-less shapeshift at will, but two, is your dad also a Bolshoi ballerina? And did no one ever remark on this fact? I'd expect you'd at least have people wanting to do you all the time."


"No? My dad at least doesn't seem like a ballerina, but maybe you should check since I can't tell. And I don't know – there was Cordelia at the Bronze? And Hans..."


"Yeah, Hans. But I mean, you're sixteen, surely Cordelia and Hans and I weren't the very first people to ever hit on you. And speaking of that, there seems to be a pattern there, I expect you'd rather I be a boy than a girl when hitting on you?"


"I mean, yeah, basically. And no, you and they weren't the first, but it's not like I'm some super hot god who gets hit on all the time."


Sadde looks him up and down and purses his lips.


"What? I'm not! I mean, sure, I'm pretty sure I'm above average, but I'm not supernaturally hot!"


"Well, you're really hot, but you're also all, like, supernaturally fluid and stuff. Watching you play basketball is almost a spiritual experience, also I'd better stop before I inflate your ego to the point that it explodes."


"A spiritual experience? Are you serious?"


"We should probably record you playing and then compare it with the other people so you'll know what I'm talking about. Look, I wouldn't have suspected magic if it wasn't really blatantly obvious. My original hypothesis was that you just had a spell going on all the time, but."


"Well maybe I should specifically try to be less graceful, if it's that obvious?"


"You could try, but if you can't even tell you're doing it I'm not sure it'll do you much good." He squeezes Theo's hand then puts an arm around his waist and rests his head on Theo's shoulder. "I confess I don't understand your reaction to this information."


"I didn't think I stood out! And then I find out that I have a weird magic, I'm some sort of demon, and actually I'm really flamboyantly special. It's just... a large change from what I thought."


"I'd expect most people would like being special. But hey, it could be worse, at least you're not one of the evil types of demons. Probably."


"It's nice being able to growl – I didn't realize that it wasn't a normal human thing – but the other things just set me apart. And if I am the evil type, woo, but I don't think I am."


"At least they set you apart in a good way, like being good at sports or getting hot guys to hit on you."


Theo smiles. "Well yeah, at least I don't have fangs," he says, tapping one of his rather pointy teeth.


Sadde blinks and squints a bit at his teeth. "Um."

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