Chu Chu is not available for work period because Chang'an is giving her remedial Scholomance lessons or something so Wei Wuxian decides to go hang out with his other best friend.
"Hey, Masozi! Want to study together in the reading room?"
"I hope it helps." Masozi is now kind of worried that his advice is going to do the opposite of help with Wei Wuxian's sleep problem. Hmm what else is good for being tired enough to fall asleep. "You could - do lots of exercise? That's good for building mana too although I think it's less good for that if you're eating enough food." Masozi has now started to notice this trend, and considers it deeply unfair.
"Mmm." Okay he's going to stop trying to offer advice. "- Anyway, we should probably actually study now? I need to do more Mandarin practice."