Chu Chu is not available for work period because Chang'an is giving her remedial Scholomance lessons or something so Wei Wuxian decides to go hang out with his other best friend.
"Hey, Masozi! Want to study together in the reading room?"
"......No?" Masozi says, staring blankly at him. "You have to do the opposite of that? I'm pretty sure? - For me at least. If I want to fall asleep I need to not be concentrating or trying at anything. Which is really unfairly hard sometimes!"
"You have to lie still in the dark and not solve a math problem or translate your favorite song into every language you know or learn how to do a handstand or get into an argument with Jiang Cheng about whether swords are better than whips."
"What, I'm pretty sure swords are bet– Nevermind. I - yeah, it's hard. The thing I do is - instead of trying to think about anything, I try to focus on noticing all the places in my body that hurt, and then making all of my muscles relax? ....I guess maybe you don't have the problem where if you're spending your whole day running and fighting mals then you stop being able to feel your body. I get that problem sometimes, and so trying to do this helped me notice where I was hurt and also helped me fall asleep?"
"I can focus on things if they're cool like math or music or languages or magical theory or building things."
"Yeah! Chu Chu over in Chang'an enclave was telling me the other day about how strychnine works, and we were comparing notes about our favorite dissections. She got to sit in on an autopsy."
Nod. "So - maybe you could try to focus on how your body is really cool? And - focus on your toes and think about all the bones and joints muscles in them -" Masozi does not even slightly know what bones and muscles are in toes, "- and then relax all the muscles and stuff? And then you just - do that one body part at a time, up from your toes toward your head.... I always fall asleep before I get to my ribs."
"That sounds like not the interesting part of bodies. The interesting part is when horrible things happen to them and they die."
"...I guess you could try to think about horrible things that could happen to your toes that would kill you but in a relaxing way?"
Masozi is increasingly feeling like maybe his advice for Wei Wuxian isn't going to help after all.
"That sounds like the kind of thing where I would have a great time and not successfully fall asleep."
"....Sorry, I think we might just have different problems?"
Masozi stops. Considers this.
"- Do you actually feel tired when you try to go to sleep? Maybe you're just trying to go to sleep before your body is actually needing more sleep."
"Half the time I just end up passing out working on whatever project I'm currently working on."
Wow, that is an even more alien problem to Masozi!
"....Do you work on projects like that in your bed, if it's around bedtime?"
"You'd probably sleep better if you fell asleep in your bed? So if that's how you fall asleep easiest then maybe you could work on projects in your bed."
"- What? ...I - honestly I think it just seemed like a distraction he wouldn't expect me to do in a fight? But I definitely didn't do it because working on projects in your bed is a smart idea if that's how you fall asleep!"
Why would that possibly be a reason to do that. He's so confused.
"No, I mean, he and Lan Xichen look basically identical except that one of them is always smiling and one of them has never heard of the concept of facial expressions."
“Huh. Yeah, maybe.” Masozi does not seem at all embarrassed about this. “I…wonder if that means I actually would like kissing Lan Xichen. I guess maybe only if I was drunk.”