On Saturday afternoon, Nie Huaisang knocks on Jing Yi's door.
Okay, so an unexpected benefit of being with frosh is he is ninety percent sure that if it came down to it, he could throw him across the room. Makes being pinned so much less of a bad idea.
... And he definitely appreciates the idea of being called a slut more than he should. "You certainly can."
Well then Nie Huaisang thinks it is time for round two where he tries some of the excellent ideas he got from porn.
So on the one hand porn is often stupid, in Jing Yi's opinion, but Now Huaisang has a talent for making it not quite as stupid as it could be.
(He gets such a reaction from calling Jing Yi a slut.)
Sadly, Nie Huaisang is probably less persuasive on the subject of whether it is very sexy to give him footrubs.
Have you considered: this is very sexy to Nie Huaisang, especially if he gets to call Jing Yi a good boy while he's doing it.
Yeah, no, that's more of a him thing than a Jing Yi thing, but whatever. He's cute enough to make it worthwhile.
This is a horrifying lack of affective empathy and Nie Huaisang will not stand for it.
It's true, he does, and also the amount he's being called "kid" is really all out of line with the fact that Jing Yi is only one year older than him.
Jing Yi has been in the Scholomance for a year and a few days, and Now Huaisang only for a few days, and this has to count for something.
When the second time is over, Nie Huaisang says, "mm. You're good. Want to run off with me into the sunset and be my sex slave?"
"I'll have to take your word for it." He does not. He knows he would look excellent in it.
That is a very excellent use of lab time. "Well, if you want to mark me in a Jin Zixun would not notice, I would not complain."
"While I am an innocent person who doesn't know anything about the ways of sexuality, I'm pretty sure some of those bites are gonna bruise."