Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"We work to coordinate smaller and more specific activist and charitable organizations throughout the Empire and beyond in order to move resources and effort between them so we can collectively generate the most and most-impactful good. It's through them that I was called here to assist you today; I'm somewhat surprised you hadn't heard of us."
"I just asked Jesus if he happened to be able to help me out and he said he'd send you."
"Not a fancy one." He can put his name and number on a rectangle for him though.
"Thanks. Feel free to reach out to me for similar services going forward."
"It's kind of like a salute but less . . . . but more, uh, spring solquinox-y? - Less military, I guess, among other things."
"Huh, okay. Uh, should I leave you here with Felicity, do you need anything else from me here?"
"I think Ellie should get a computer to help her design the new arrays and read up on how electrical systems work on your world and whatnot. And a fancy snack basket. This body of mine should probably also get a computer, and some money for doing things in Londonium, and if you want to load me up with more things to pawn I can just keep doing that in the background while there aren't other things happening."
"See you!"
And Cam makes his way back up north. He has some things he was supposed to distribute to some cats.
(Back in north, in the local idiom.)
"Hello again," chirps the closest Felicity. "Update: I'm in much less discomfort now! I'm not sure if it's starting to wear off in generality or just because some of me is sleeping."
"Well, next time you're all awake take another data point, I suppose!"
"Oh, I've been keeping notes as detailed as I've had the spare attention for this whole time; I just thought that might be of interest to you. What's next on your docket?"
"Cat stuff!" he says. "You can't speak cat, so probably you should all stay put."
"It wouldn't bother me but if it'd inconvenience you or cats then by all means as you say."
He doesn't have authorization to tell Felicity about the forest cats yet so he drives off in the wrong direction and circles around to deliver computers to those who need computers.
WindClan's moors are open enough that Cam can see a cat darting across them, and then pausing and loping towards him, from quite far away.