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The Worst Genin Team, take 2
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They are stopped a little way in by a suddenly-appearing kunoichi in a standard Konoha uniform. She is of slight build, with tightly-controlled chakra. She has a kunai in hand but not in an immediately threatening grip.

"Who are you and what are your reasons for coming here?" she asks in a nearly emotionless voice.


"We're Asano Sayuri and Kaguya Elaise, of Kirigakure," she says. "We're looking for someone - a non-village shinobi whose trail goes at least past here."

Sayuri doesn't even have a weapon drawn, and her posture is relaxed - though her chakra feels barely there, and only the lower half of her face is visible, so it's hard to get a read on her past that. 


"There are no non-village shinobi here."


"Anyone claiming to be a village shinobi in the area?"


"...My team."


"...So not even Gatou's assorted toughs?"


"None of the mercenaries in his employ have approached our perimeter in the last five days."


"What about encounters before that?"


"...Prior to that, Momochi Zabuza attempted to ambush us while traveling. He was defeated, but escaped with the aid of a shinobi dressed as a Kiri hunter-nin."


"...Well, fuck."

"...Did the fake hunter-nin introduce themselves at all?"




A pause, then: "So Zabuza was not in our mission briefing and is outside our parameters there, but our sensei is on a nearby mission and will probably want to pivot to dealing with him. So if you have, like, any further information about him and any known or suspected accomplices, we could possibly get him out of your hair."


"I must confer with my commanding officer." She sheathes the kunai. "Please follow me." She turns and begins walking.


Following it is, while mentally composing the message to send to Shinrei.


She leads them up to the bridge under construction-


Where a tall man with a shock of white hair is leaning casually against a railing, reading a lurid orange book.

"Yo, Chihiro-chan," he says, not looking up.


"Sensei. This is Asano Sayuri and Kaguya Elaise of Mist. They have expressed interest in Momochi Zabuza."




"We've been looking for a different shinobi, and we followed his trail here. Momochi Zabuza being in the area was a surprise, and we aren't qualified to approach him. However, we can contact reinforcements who could - and would - handle him. But, we'd want more information on things like where he might be and who he's associating with."


"Mm, well, he's working for Gatou." He flicks a page. "And he's got a friend who is either very old or into historical reenactment. Haven't seen one of those hunter-nin uniforms since the Third War."


"Did the friend look old?"


"Ehh. Hard to tell behind the mask. You guys are too young to know, but that unit was very big on anonymity. Understandable, given the things they got up to."


Hum. "Nobody else?"


"Ah, we killed the Demon Brothers back in Fire Country. I don't know if you people were still worried about them."


Shrug. "Not much more than any other non-village shinobi."

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