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The Worst Genin Team, take 2
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Shinrei smiles at them. 

Training and missions go well. They start with tasks in and near the village, mostly, sometimes ranging a bit farther afield to get oriented to the terrain and Mist's place in it. Stuff like construction and maintenance, courier work, and basic patrols mostly. They also do rotations through other specialties, sometimes on a team with people other than their usual - administrative work (tailored to their skillsets; Amajina ends up being given missions to produce artistic renderings of some things), teaching (Amajina takes to the younger, pre-genin students very well), or hospital aide rotations. Shinrei teaches them more of the basics of medicine than they already knew, and takes them on survey missions to outlying areas prone to disaster - which is everything along the coast line that gets hit with hurricanes. They do drills, too, mostly with other shinobi, for exceptional circumstances. Invasions, large and small scale natural disasters, bomb threats, evacuation of civilians...

After a while of this routine, Shinrei approaches them with a new mission - they're being rotated into the 'diplomatic' mission type. (A good sign with Elaise and Amajina - they've left their probationary period, with this.) They could go assist in actual political endeavors, but Shinrei suspects they'd rather do outreach to potential Mist shinobi.


Seems like this would have slightly more slack to it.


And involve fewer nobles.


"Both of those - and the 'success' parameters on outreach missions are actually fairly broad, since some of the people we're approaching are hostile. Just informing them we're an option is mission success, though you might get reprimanded if you act inappropriately as a representative of the village."


"Still easy enough to work around."


"Yeah. They're usually more chill missions, too, and you'll have more free time during it."


"Are we going all together?"


"Probably, though with all four of us it's likely we'll be given two targets to split up and approach. Ideally, they'll be close enough to each other that we could theoretically back the other group up, but - approaching someone, especially an individual, with a four person team tends to get people's guards up more than two people would."


"True. What will our split be?"


"Sayuri and I should be in separate groups - we both have experience with this kind of mission."

"Who's with who past that might depend some on exactly who we get as targets, but most likely - you with Sayuri, Amajina with me."





"When are we setting out?"


"Tomorrow morning, ideally."


"Okay. I'll let my friends know I'll be gone for a bit."


Small smile. 

Then, to Elaise: "Would the jaguars mind running messages between our groups? I don't want to fall out of contact if someone needs backup."



"Yeah, I can set that up."




Elaise summons a pair of smaller jaguars to introduce to the group. They climb all over everyone in the process of memorizing scents.


Shinrei laughs and scritches one's ear.





More scritches, then.


Very good humans their summoner has partnered with. They'll be happy to run messages for the group.


"Thank you very much." (Pat.)


Agreeable chirp.



It's just mission prep for the next day, then, including getting their orders, going over what they know and what their plans are, packing...

Shinrei does in fact decide to split her and Amajina off from Elaise and Sayuri. Her and Amajina's target is a pair of shinobi suspected to be roughly jounin level, who were genin at the time Mist collapsed - never officially missing-nin, but nonetheless part of the tangled network of their village. For Elaise and Sayuri - a shinobi named Haku. He's a bit younger than Elaise and has a bloodline (ice manipulation), but they suspect he wasn't clan-raised. He wasn't ever a part of Mist, and he's probably roughly Elaise's power level. They haven't heard that he's associated with any consistent groups, though he does sometimes work with others in the loose network of independent shinobi that flows around the islands. Last location they have for him was nearby Wave; there's a shipping magnate, Gatou, who's been trying to establish himself as a lordling of the country, apparently uncontested, and who's been hiring independent shinobi to act as his enforcers on and off - there's a decent chance Haku's working for him, or has recently.

They have a summary of the usual recruitment spiel, and a scroll they can give him. If he's non-hostile, they're to at least try to recruit him, and they're given a list of offers they can make him, and guidelines for how creative they can get with further offers, and how much leeway they have if he asked for something not explicitly pre-approved. (Shinrei notes that Sayuri should probably take point there, since she's been on missions like this before, and Shinrei abuses their leeway kind of a lot.)

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