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The Worst Genin Team, take 2
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It's a place to start, at least.


"I have faith you two will do excellently," she says, with a little smile.


"Thanks, sensei."

"You ready, Sayuri?"


"Yeah!" She isn't quite bouncing - she isn't as energetic as Amajina - but she's definitely grinning quite broadly and walking with an eager spring in her step.


"Then let's go."



And: they're off early the next morning, about exactly late enough Elaise isn't a walking zombie. It's a good way to Wave, and they're with Shinrei and Amajina for a lot of it at least - though their sensei and friend peal off before they reach Wave, cutting out into the tangle of islands their target is possibly in. 

Just Sayuri and Elaise, from there. 

"How much of the talking do you wanna handle?" Sayuri asks as they run. 


"You have the relevant experience here," Elaise replies. "Why not show me how things are done?"


"Sure. Though I might ask you to testify some that, yes, Mist is accepting of bloodlines now."


"Can do."


"Now all we need to do is find him... Are your jaguars good trackers?"


"They're hunters. It's better if they have some idea of the person they're looking for already."


She nods. "And we've got a name and a description, basically - and the sensor went with sensei..." Shrug. "We'll do this the old fashioned way, then."


"That Gatou's seems like our best bet, or if not him, then his entourage."


"Eh, if he's currently hiring Haku, bet he won't want to be helpful here. We're competition, and Gatou might try to threaten any of his shinobi for talking to us."


"Fair point. Check his area of operation, then."


"Yeah. We can ask people not associated with Gatou, though - civilians track a lot more of shinobi movement than you'd think, too, especially anyone working as an enforcer."




Shrug. "We'll see."

Onward, then, angling toward the largest settlement in Wave - which really isn't saying much, it's almost entirely poor farmlands and fishermen, but there's a single trading town. Sayuri directs Elaise to hide some of the very obvious signals she's a shinobi - they don't want too much gossip starting up - and then they can go lurk in the town out of civilian lines of sight, see if they can't overhear any gossip before they start explicitly asking around. 


The economy of Wave is severely depressed. If Gatou really is a businessman, he's a piss-poor one. In a year or two more at most, there won't be any wealth left in the country for him to extract. Apparently, the focus of the more driven civilians has been on building a bridge to the mainland to short-circuit Gatou's naval monopoly. It's almost complete- and they've contracted a team from Konohagakure to guard the workers in the final days against Gatou's mercenary shinobi.


"Well, 'mercenary shinobi' is a good lead."

"Bet the Konoha team has info on them, if we want to go make friends?"


"Yeah, as long as they're not so jumpy that they attack on sight."


"Maybe if we approach slowly and openly?"


"Worth a shot."


"Hopefully." Shrug. "Let's figure out where they're staying, then."


In to town, then.

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