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The Worst Genin Team, take 2
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"You are welcome. Do you require assistance in setting up?"


"Don't need help, but we won't turn help down if you want to."


"-Yes. I will help."


"Thanks." To site prep, then!


And Chihiro helps! Efficiently, of course.



Sayuri's good at falling into other people's rhythms, and, honestly, the most efficient way to set up a camp isn't really a cultural thing enough Konoha and Kiri will do it differently - she's more familiar with environments like this, of course, but this patch of land is dry enough that only matters a little. (Though she has a good sense for how things like the sight lines will change in the morning fog.)


That is a good thing to consider here. It is not often a factor in Fire country.


Yeah, she'd guess not - though, given Sayuri's inability to see, she mostly has a secondary sense of sight lines specifically. (She does help sighted people set up camp enough to have things memorized, though - and she's more sensitive than most to how a heavy fog distorts sound and chakra sensing, which she can go into actual depth on. And of course a high humidity can mess with things like ties or rope, and fog does that a bit differently than a humid heat...)


Chihiro is very willing to listen to Sayuri expound on these topics.


She's enjoying explaining it. (It's also probably guessable when she mentions offhand how you can compensate for some of the 'heavy fog distorts senses' stuff that she's trained in more or less the same silent killing technique as Zabuza. Especially when she comments about chakra-induced fog behaving slightly differently.)


"Yes. I had- noticed that."


"Yeah, bet Zabuza uses it - sighted people seem to have a lot of trouble with facing it? But - I dunno, it feels obvious to me..."


"The technique targets a vulnerability you do not possess."


Grin. "Yeah, though even people who can use it will get disoriented sometimes if their enemy gets control of the mist."

"But it's not even directly distorting sound past what that heaviness of fog usually does, you know."


"There can be little bleedover effect from your distorted vision," Elaise puts in. "Best to just close your eyes entirely, if you can't dispel the fog."


"Doing anything quick about it messing with your chakra sensing is harder, though."


"Yeah, but most people don't tend to rely on that as much."


Teasingly: "Because most people rely on their sight too much."


"It's hard to think about not having it when you always do."


"Clearly I need to tell sensei you need more training without sight."


"Jaguars have excellent night vision. It's not come up that often."


"Sure sensei will agree that more doesn't hurt."


"Blind fighting is a useful skill. Regardless of the presence of chakra fog."

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