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Xue Yang gets a security clearance

Jane Donahue would never review her notes while standing in her two-inch professional heels, waiting at the front desk for this Xue Yang to show up. She has her day badge to get around the building, just like every time, but she appreciates that they check first, just like every time. Her files contain PII(1) and PHI(2), and she is a professional. Still, she goes over it in her head. He already submitted his E-QIP(3), but she has to sit down in person with him to verify all of his answers. And some of these answers were...special. Some people just don't take it seriously, and this gives her a chance to quietly correct them before they can cause more trouble down the line. She dislikes cases at the Boyles-Landish Analysis of Neurotypes and Deviations Corporation(4), because she has to pass every single applicant, but still has to go through the ritual. It isn't the worst part of her job, but it isn't a pleasant one either. Still, she takes the meetings, makes her notes, and does her best to at least flag the most important issues for the clearance officer down the line responsible for helping these people stay cleared.

1: Personally Identifiable Information

2: Protected Health Information

3: Online form for filling out the SF-86(5)

4: For more on the BLAND Corporation, see Kubrick 1964.

5: Form for getting a security clearance through OPM(6)

6: Office of Personnel and Management, responsible for about 90% of security clearances, including DoD(7), but critically not including DoE(8)

7: Department of Defense (has not done defense since it got the name)

8: Department of Energy (mostly does nukes)

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Xue Yang behaves exactly like he has to be passed no matter what, which is to say that he's showed up in cat ears and a maid dress. He's quite pretty and he can't be older than sixteen.

"I was promised candy."


She is wearing a full suit, as usual. She does not do the badge-flip, like some of her colleagues. Coming from a clearance investigator it just looks silly. "I'm Investigator Donahue, and you must be Xue Yang." Her tone is professional. "And upon completion of the interview you shall have it. But that means we both want to get this finished, right?" Professional, despite the temptations. "Is there an office we can go to?" There should be.


"Yeah, I think it's over there." He heads off in a direction. "I want candy now.


She follows a few steps behind, holding her badge carefully to the scanners when required. "Unfortunately, that won't be possible just yet."


"Meng Yao gives me candy when I want it." Meng Yao is aware that I can drown him with a thought, Xue Yang thinks, and does not say because it has been made clear to him that he will get dead bodies to play with if and only if he doesn't threaten people who don't already know he can drown them with a thought.


"Unfortunately, I am not Meng Yao, and I did not bring enough candy to feed you throughout the interview." This is going to take longer than she had hoped.


He flops sideways into a chair in the interview room. "What is the point of s-- consulting if you still have to fill out forms. Hit me. Metaphorically or literally."


The spiel is automatic. "I know it isn't fun, but filling out these forms isn't just about letting the government know about potential risks. It also ensures that they can help keep an eye on potential risks from foreign agents, and better support you." She sits properly, enjoying the comfortable chair. GAO(1) will never tolerate the good stuff for travelling agents like herself. "We'll start with the basics. You were born May 2nd, 2002?"

1: Government Accountability Office.


"Meng Yao decided that was my birthday."


Meng Yao must be his adoptive father. What sort of orphan didn't even have records of their own birthday? She had thought someone had pulled strings to get the spoiled kid a cushy job, but it seemed like something stranger was happening. "If that's what it says on your other documents, that is good enough for me."

"Now, for your addresses for the past ten years, you listed an unusual number, given that you're only 18. Could you confirm them all for me verbally?"


"Haswell Academy in Haswell, Colorado since I was thirteen. I forget what order I put juvie and foster care and being on the street in but they're in some kind of order."


"That matches what I have here". No need to prod the traumatized child too much. "And you're not in any educational program at the moment, it was just Haswell?"


"Five years at the school for gifted and troubled youth and now I pay my government back by working in the intelligence sector, yes."

Or two but who's counting, really. 


Jane certainly isn't! Jane has her paperwork and she just has to get through this and then she can get away. "You didn't list any form of employment before this. How did you support yourself?"


"I'm going to give you a couple minutes to look at my list of addresses and reconsider whether you want an answer to that question."

He takes out a fidget spinner from his pocket. Spinnnnnnnnnnn.


She flips over to his police record entries. She remembered something...


Theft, aggravated assault, theft, theft, assault, theft, prostitution, assault...

There are a couple extra pages stapled on. 


"This came up in a discussion, actually, you're supposed to label illegal work as self-employment. It won't be a problem, I can just fix that. I suppose I'll just match the locations of work to your addresses at the time." The cheerful smile is under some strain. "I see you've registered for Selective Service properly."

"Now, we just need three people who know you well who haven't been listed elsewhere on the form. Unfortunately, I don't think that we can use this one, I'm having trouble pronouncing the name."


"That's racist. Don't they teach you not to be racist. There were supposed to be classes on that at Haswell and then I shanked the teacher."

Fidget spinner goes spinnnnnnnnnnn.


She ignores it politely. "Xiao Xingchen, you have his address listed as "Appalachian Trail". If we can't contact him, he can't speak to your good character."


"Try wanting him not to show up really hard, I think it summons him."



"Yeah! Like that. Good job."


"Unfortunately, we live in reality, where magic summoning spells don't exist. If you could at least give a phone number, that would give the investigator something to go off of to arrange a meeting."


Magic summoning spells do exist but for some reason Xue Yang has not been allowed to learn any of them and he doesn't think he can construct one from first principles out of spite. Yet. 

"Phones interfere with his whole"-- Xue Yang waves a hand-- "noble-wanderer commune-with-nature thing."

Xue Yang thinks that Xiao Xingchen is an idiot, but this lady also thinks he's an idiot, and this makes Xue Yang want to stab her. Only Xue Yang is allowed to think Xiao Xingchen is an idiot. 

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