so apparently 'makes her girlfriend and her girlfriend's crush kiss' is an anathema template attractor
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She ducks her head, blushing, and sits beside Elesse. "Thank you."

Small smile, before starting to eat. 

There's not too much of easy to think of, pleasant topics that they haven't already gotten to yet today, and Anakin doesn't want to get into anything - messy. So, after casting around mentally some, she starts talking about just - her neighbors, her coworkers, her most reoccurring students. Friends she's made, some of Lily's friends... She wants to introduce Elesse around, though they'll want to figure out something of a cover story, first, and - Elesse can have time to settle in, first.


Which she thinks she will be able to do. And it's nice that Anakin wants to include her in her life.


Of course she does. As much as Elesse wants to be included. 



She looks away a bit, blushing and smiling. 

"Does the food taste as good as it looks?" she asks, a bit teasingly, to cover her bought of awkward embarrassment. 


"Better, in fact. My compliments to the chef."


"Thank you," she says, playing with her food a bit, blush spreading briefly. "I really like cooking for the people I care about..."


"It shows."


Grin. "Sorry I was a bit weird about you cooking breakfast, by the way..."


"What was that about?"


She bites her lip a bit, then, "Cooking for my girlfriends is one of the... Consistent things I do to take care of them, just, submissively... This relationship - any romantic relationship - is really new to me, and... A lot's been changing, recently. For the good, but - I hadn't realized how strongly I felt about being part of that routine, and that I can feel anything close to jealousy, was all... I don't mind you cooking, and it was nice, but," Shrug. "I surprised myself."


"I see. Well. I can certainly refrain, in the future."


She leans against Elesse. "Maybe just... Discuss more? And if I say I want to help cook, don't - contradict that. And I'll talk to my girlfriends, too, about not - insisting around stuff like that. I think I should also try to have more time each day just focused on my girlfriends... Tomorrow doesn't work there as much, since they're both going to be off planet, but I can certainly spend some of the morning with them, before they drag themselves downstairs..."

"And now that I know this about myself, it'll be easier to speak up when I need to." She rests her head on Elesse's shoulder. "But I wasn't upset or hurt or anything. Just felt off." 


"All right. I can- try to be more aware around things like this, as well."


Cuddle. "Thank you."

"I'm alright being directly asked if you're ever unsure about something like how okay I am or how I feel about an idea or what's going on, either out loud or mentally."


"Good to know."


She smiles and sighs, settling more into snuggling Elesse's side. 

"...We should finish dinner before it gets cold."


"Mustn't let your hard work go to waste."


"It'd be rather tragic."

Fortunately, Anakin is practiced at eating while snuggling someone. 


A skill Elesse is picking up quickly enough, too.



Anathema and Ellaita will probably be back soon - Anakin thinks she wants to spend the late evening with them, if Elesse is okay entertaining herself? 


She is.



They can snuggle until then, though. 


This is nice.


It is. 

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