so apparently 'makes her girlfriend and her girlfriend's crush kiss' is an anathema template attractor
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Call it job shadowing.



Works perfectly. She might ask Elesse to step out some, but most students shouldn't mind her being present. And if Elesse's interested in actually being a TA, they can talk to the university's admin sometime... At least for 'what would be involved in a job.'


She's interested enough for at least the first steps of the process.


Information gathering won't hurt, anyways. 

They have enough time to swing by the admin office for a description of job duties and miscellaneous introductory material and paperwork - including what they'd need from Elesse, how to actually apply for the job, and the like. 


...Hm. She will need to figure out how to interface with the modern bureaucracy. It seems she doesn't officially exist.


"I can handle some of that How easily or quickly depends on whether you're willing to let a spy for the Republic know you exist - she sometimes does me favors and only kind of works towards the Republic's self proclaimed interests; she's supposedly so far keeping who I used to be and my true nature secret from her boss. In the other direction, I could call in a 'favor' with Jacen, but that's... Rockier, though the risks would be different."

"The slower way would be establishing you through the refugee system, since they take people without identity papers, but there's a risk you'd be denied or bound up in bureaucracy. And also it takes forever, though there's I think some ways to skip some of the red tape and get through faster..."


"I'll think on it. Not something we need to settle this instant."


Small smile. "Alright. The immigration processes should also be accessible on the HoloNet; there's government sites for it."


"That much hasn't changed, at least. I'll look into it while you're busy."


"Okay." She smiles, embodying just long enough to lean a bit against Elesse. "A lot of today is going to be answering emails and helping students with miscellaneous problems... I need to follow up with some students too... Your help this morning reduced my grading pile quite a lot, though I do still have some, and some lesson plans to finalize."


"So responsible you've grown up to be. Let me know if there's anything specific I can help with."


"There's a few things..." To her office, then, where she can send Elesse some of her work - a bit of simpler grading for the introductory class, some review of lesson plans, some things she's needed to research, a short list of some rarer texts (mostly primary sources she's seen referenced elsewhere) that she wants to track down and figure out how to get ahold of... "It doesn't all need to be done today, of course, and the grading and lesson plans are really the only priority."


Elesse will start with the grading, then, and see how things develop over the course of the afternoon.


Fairly well; this particular stack goes a lot faster, especially since Anakin has staggered due dates for papers in different classes - though a few introductory students have turned in their next essay early, and there's a short weekly 'journal' assignment. She can get to some lesson plans by the end, but not through everything. 

Several students do come to Anakin's office during the time block (and it sounds like she's emailing with more, and she asks Elesse to step out for a few calls). Elesse isn't asked to step out for the in person students, and most of them have very quickly answered questions. Some, though, do need to linger longer, and - Anakin's good with them. They come in tense and worried; they leave at least somewhat reassured and determined, if not relaxed. They're struggling with this or that part of the class; Anakin explains it so they can get it, or helps them figure out how to get a tutor. 


Elesse stays quiet, but-

Her Padawan really has grown. It's good to see.


They do technically have time for dinner out, after, but Anakin's in the mood to cook, if Elesse is alright with an evening in. 


That sounds lovely.



She sends a message to Ellaita and Anathema to see if they have existing dinner plans. 


They'll be having a night out. Maybe catch up with some of the girls.


Okay. Have fun. 

(A message to Lily gets a similar response - except her thing is study group.)

"Seems it'll be just us," she says as they reach the house. "Any requests?"


"Show me your specialty."


"Alright. It'll be a little bit, then - the most impressive foods are hardly quick."


"I can wait."


"Okay." She smiles at Elesse, softly, and steps into the kitchen. 

(Cooking really is something she enjoys, even when she isn't planning to eat - which is most meals, since her body isn't usually experiencing the time in between. It's - something nice to do for those she loves, even before the start of her relationship with Ellaita and Anathema, and even more so now with the added dimension of - submission. Obedience. Service.)

(She's trying, somewhat, not to treat this as she would cooking for her girlfriends, but... It's still very, very pleasant, and her mind settles into a gentle, contented hum.)

She lets herself be embodied while she cooks, so her body will be more ready to eat, and the lingering curl of pleasure from this morning, of snuggles, of company is adding another dimension to this. A nicer one than she usually experiences when spending long stretches embodied...

She finishes cooking after not too long, bringing the plates out to Elesse - the den has a folding table which is better for just small groups like now - and setting them before her. The meal indeed looks like it must have been rather involved to cook, especially to this skill level. (Anakin cheated with the Force; the chef she charmed this set of recipes out of usually has multiple helpers.)


"It looks delicious, Anakin. Thank you."

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