so apparently 'makes her girlfriend and her girlfriend's crush kiss' is an anathema template attractor
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Elesse sucks in a sharp breath.


Anakin manages a quick breath before Ellaita cuts off her air.

(She's very quickly getting experienced at being strangled. Can hold her breath rather long, meter out the slow escape of air from her lungs - easier than breathing in - to time with proper moans, a small whine hovering deeper in her chest...)

She's positioned so Elesse has a very, very good view of her face. The way her lips part ever so slightly, the flush of blood to her cheeks, her wide eyes,  expression ambiguous between fear and excitement or pain and pleasure... (And so Anakin can see Elesse's reactions, and she promptly loses the fight not to settle into full writhing - )


-Elesse is experiencing a lot of feeling by watching this!


Anathema snuggles up, idly stroking or scratching, biting or kissing her Anakin, encouraging her to make those yummy, yummy noises. 


Of course, if Anakin intends to stay embodied the entire time, eventually Ellaita is going to need to stop squeezing, or Elesse's going to need to rescue her. 

(Her eyes are tearing up, gaze going distant, body trying to gasp for air on its own, hands gripping tightly to Ellaita's arms...)


Elesse abruptly pries Ellaita's fingers apart with the Force and pulls Anakin away.






She collapses into Elesse, shivering. 

Words. They're a thing that exists.

Her throat is very sore, she knows talking will hurt especially before she's had anything to drink, and her brain is very fuzzy anyways, and so, with the part of her not wrapped up in biology, she reaches out through the Force - 'It's okay.' Wave of contentment/ pleasure/ cozy haze reflecting what's in her biological brain, love and happiness from the larger part of her not currently shivering. 

She does not want to think through aftercare on her own, though, she should definitely just be pampered now. Braining is effort, but floating is very nice. (This, too, is exposed to her girlfriends and Elesse.)


"Cuddles are the next part," she informs Elesse. "Unless you want to get her something to drink."


"I seem to already have her, so..." She shifts slightly to hug Anakin better.


Anathema drapes herself over Anakin's exposed back, her cheek against her girlfriend's shoulder, letting her awareness of the Force drift over Anakin's body in case there's anything that should be healed immediately. 



(Double snuggles are even nicer than single snuggles.)


Ellaita goes to get some drinks.


Yeah. This is nice.


She can be roused and detangled enough to drink some soda, humming a bit, curling into Elesse.

'I'm sorry if we alarmed you,' she murmurs into just Elesse's mind. 'Those two are... Very much young adults, though I hardly thought this through either...'


'I didn't realize how far you were prepared to go.'


Nuzzle. 'I wasn't expecting them to do that then, but - I don't mind that you were watching, and we get more extreme all the time.'

'It's not dangerous, how we do it - we've been making sure their ability to heal me keeps up with how far we're going, and I'm maintaining a bit of my mind separated from what's happening to my body, so I can tuck my body away even while unconscious.'

Squeeze. 'We should've checked in more detail with you, rather than those two just deciding to see how far they could escalate...'


'I would appreciate some warning, next time.'


Small smile. 

'Alright. Sorry about this time.'


'We all survived.' Elesse strokes Anakin's hair.


Happy hum. 'Want more than just surviving for us, though.'


'Working up to it.' 


Squeeze. 'A life we can be fully content with seems always a work in progress.'


'So it is.'

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