Princess Aspexia Iomedae lands on some confused Heralds
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Probably that's the sort of ridiculous superlative thing that small children like saying. It's still very weird. :I am glad you like them. Eldan from the kitchen will help you look after them and feed them. He says they should not sleep in your bed because they are little and might piss in it:


:Okay.: She immediately forgets this but probably Eldan will remember. :Van and Fandes are princesses of Valdemar! Cat Valdemar, which is for cats.:


:Oh. Cat Valdemar: Leareth repeats, somewhat inanely. He really needs to either learn her language or have her learn one of his, Mindspeaking all the time is kind of ridiculous - probably she should learn theirs, then people who aren't strong enough Mindspeakers to talk to her can watch her.

He spends a couple more minutes sitting with her and listening to her talk about Cat Valdemar, and then tries to hand her off to Glenna from the Healers and escape.


She tolerates this with only a little pouting. She is very happy about her cats.


And Glenna will sleep on a mattress on the floor in her temporary bedroom tonight and probably he won't be disturbed in the middle of the night and this will be fine.

Leareth immediately goes to find Carissa again.


Making a headband but not uninterruptible on that.


:I asked Pexa about whether the - other us - are clerics. She said yes: He finds himself hesitating, unable to predict how Carissa will react and uneasy about it.


:Huh. I guess that makes the marriage make slightly more sense though still not very much.:


:The other me is a cleric of Abadar, not very surprisingly. The other you is...a cleric of Iomedae:




I mean, I'm sure it was better than her alternatives. But I - wonder what they were.:


:I am sorry: Leareth blinks at her. :...Is it even possible to become a cleric to a god if - that is how you feel about it...?:


:....that's not how I'd feel about it if feeling that way about it was going to get me killed?:


:I suppose that is sensible: Leareth isn't sure what to say, again, this seems to happen a lot lately. He leans against the wall near her, his gaze half on her and half unfocused.


"The clerics thing makes sense of the marriage thing because lots of religions have rules about that kind of thing, and because - I don't know, there's still not a lot of reason to marry me but there's lots of reasons to cultivate an alliance with the church of Iomedae."


"- Honestly you have many traits I would value in a partner, it is just buried in the Asmodeanism."

(Leareth did not really mean to say it out loud that bluntly but it's been a very long day.)


"- I noticed, but you wouldn't need to marry me about them."


"Maybe a combination of your personal traits and cultivating an alliance with the church of Iomedae would explain it. I - wonder why I would do that, specifically. Abadar makes sense to me, I...have less of a clear concept of what Iomedae is about."

Probably because Carissa is more biased on the subject. He could try asking Pexa but doubts he'll get anything much more contentful than 'she's a girl!'


"I listened to a lot of explanations and it's - kind of embarrassing, that I don't have much of anything to show for it in terms of understanding them. Iomedae was a Chelish woman; she ascended in the aftermath of the Shining Crusade, as the herald of Aroden; She's Lawful Good and marshalls the forces of Heaven for the war with Hell; She personally authorized my abduction, I think, at least in the sense She confirmed that trying to keep Ibyabek from Asmodeus was that important and that She believed it wasn't too late and that She understood it to be compatible with the treaty of the Lawful gods regarding the Worldwound. 

I guess it's stupid to hold that against her and it is a good thing I'd have gotten over it eventually, given my alternatives, but - it wasn't the best introduction and it was maddening how none of them could explain what Good was about."


Leareth nods. "- I am suddenly tempted to get you to read Seldasen on ethics. He was a Herald, and the Heralds...would probably be Lawful Good, I am guessing, in Golarion's system. But Seldasen was very sane about it. I recommended his treatise to Vanyel and we had some fruitful discussion of it."


"I could read that, if you'd like.


I don't really - consider myself Asmodean. Anymore."


"Oh. I see."

Leareth had been wondering. It does seem like something has been shifting, gradually, in her thoughts. It seemed better to let her bring it up rather than press.

"What changed?" he asks.


"Asmodeus isn't here. It's - stupid, to serve someone who won't notice."


"If for whatever reason you - ended up having full discretion over the details of what god I create - which is not going to be the case, because I have rather strong opinions on this, but hypothetically - would you want to recreate a local Asmodeus? Or...something different?"


"That also seems stupid. It's not - like Asmodeus would appreciate it."


"He would not! seems you feel that - Asmodeus was not fundamentally correct about how things ought to look, in any universal sense, just - powerful enough to make His will heard?" 

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