Princess Aspexia Iomedae lands on some confused Heralds
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"I am also confused that you would have fought Cheliax on my side rather than Asmodeus' side, to be honest."




"I - don't think I would've done that. Maybe if Aroden weren't dead, a lot of things would be different if Aroden weren't dead. But - I don't want you to invade Cheliax. Your normal plan seems much more - straightforwardly something I want to happen."


Nod. "Well, I am not planning to." He tries to think about what else he's learned. "According to Pexa the other me prays to Abadar. She was very surprised when I said I was not going to."


"Is he a cleric?"


"That was one interpretation that occurred to me, although it would be moderately surprising..." He frowns. "Clerics have magic healing, right? - I remember yesterday, when you were bleeding, she - seemed to think I ought to be able to just fix it. I was confused but it could fit. Though - I also recall her thinking that you ought to be able to but maybe both of us had done it too many times already that day..."


"....I guess I could be a cleric too? Nefreti Clepati is both a cleric and a wizard...we could ask her of who."


"I will ask her whenever she inevitably finds me again. Is there anything else we ought speak about now?"


Are they going to address the thing where apparently in the alternate universe they are married - only, she decides, if he insists. "I don't think so."


Leareth doesn't especially feel like getting into that, especially given how many of his feelings right now are 'gods please keep your very Asmodean parenting philosophy far away from my child.'

"Well, let me know if you need anything else to continue your research here. Though I would not bother getting too settled; I want to move back to the other base once some time has passed and I have had a chance to redo the wards just for additional paranoia."

He nods briskly to her and heads out.


Pexa spends the day exploring and looking for White and also her new cats. When she gets bored she takes a casserole dish off the table and makes a mud puddle of casserole to play in and gets VERY MESSY so she will need to be BATHED.


She doesn't yet have a properly assigned minder, but one of the Healers notices this, sighs, plucks her up and tells her to please not make messes inside, and carries her off for and spends awhile attempting to turn a shirt into a dress that sort of fits her - did Leareth not even think about clothes for the mystery toddler - then tries to find someone else willing to entertain her and keep her from getting into anything worse than casserole.


Sourcing cats when you are in a secret underground base in the far north turns out to be - moderately inconvenient - but he keeps getting complaints from his staff that the child is bored and being handed off from one researcher to another, all of whom would really rather be doing their work undisturbed. Maybe having cats to play with will give her something else to do.

He ends up sighing and literally sending one of his mages to Gate to Rethwellan and find some kittens to buy that meet the descriptions asked for. This is an absurd use of a Gate but he can deliver and collect some messages from his agents at the same time and have his mage pick up some children's books at the nearest Temple of Astera, which has all sorts of books all the time, not that Pexa reads Rethwellani but they can at least be read to her in Mindspeech once they find her a nursemaid who's also a Mindspeaker.

After dinner he goes looking for her, carrying a basket which contains two very confused kittens who do NOT like Gates.


:See - a black one and a spotted one. You should give them names: He's glad he can do this one thing to make her happy.


:I love you! I love them! I will name them -: She frowns. :Van and Fandes.:


That feels very weird but they are her cats. :All right. Which is which?: He sets the basket down on the floor. :You need to be careful with them and not frighten them, all right?: Fortunately this base has one Animal Mindspeaker on staff, which should help if Pexa manages to lose her kittens, but he would still prefer she avoid scaring them into running off.


:I will be soooo gentle.: She immediately tries to pick one up and drops it. She tries to pick up the other one and succeeds. :This one is Van.:


:Of course: Is it the black one, that'll be easier to remember at least. :- Pexa, I had a question for you, about your mommy and daddy who are married in Cheliax:


:You said that King Leareth who is your daddy prays to Abadar - does he get magic from Abadar too?:


:Yeah! He can FLY from Abadar and he has healing from Abadar and he has magic that gives him more magic, from Abadar.:


:And what about Queen Carissa? Does she also pray to Abadar for magic?:


:No! She prays to Iomedae! Who is a girl! And my name!:


:I - see. Thank you, that is good to know: Leareth pats her sort of absentmindedly.


Snuggle. :I love my cats! You're the best daddy in all of the worlds!:

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